Complications and prevention of varicose veins.


⚡️ Complications and prevention of varicose veins of the legs.
Varicose veins of the legs, i.e., the expansion and knotting of the veins, are mainly caused by the difficulty of blood flow in the veins as a result of regular heavy physical work, standing for a long time.
Enlarged veins (varicose nodes) are visible under the skin, the leg swells and hurts, the patient gets tired quickly when walking. Later, thrombi (blockages) may appear in the veins.
When treatment of varicose veins is delayed, the following diseases occur:
▪️ blood thickens in blood vessels;
▪️ various trophic ulcers are formed on the skin;
▪️ thrombophlebitis (inflammation of the vein walls due to blood clots) occurs in the leg vein;
▪️ vascular thromboembolism (closing of the diseased vessel as a result of thrombus blockage) is observed.
Thrombophlebitis of deep leg veins is the most serious complication of varicose veins. For the treatment of varicose veins, it is necessary to carry out various procedures based on the doctor's advice. At home, in the early stages of the disease, only tying the legs with an elastic bandage is beneficial.
In addition to conservative (drug) treatment, sclerotherapy, laser obliteration, and surgical procedures are used for varicose veins. Sclerotherapy is considered a cosmetic method, and if it is used, no scars will be left on the leg. In laser obliteration, the vein cavity is completely closed using laser light.
The following precautions can be taken to prevent varicose veins:
▪️weight control, i.e. preventing obesity in a short period of time;
▪️avoid narrow items that restrict blood flow;
▪️ wear underwear made of cotton fabric;
▪️ choose shoes that hold the heel better than high-heeled shoes;
Avoid lifting heavy loads or standing for long periods of time.
Do not forget to consult a doctor first when symptoms of varicose veins appear, and then always wear elastic stockings. When doing heavy work, you can also bind the legs with a knitted elastic bandage.

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