A child must walk at the age of one.


A child must walk at the age of one.
Do you need to exercise with your child to make him walk faster?

Almost 50% of voles walk by 1 year of age. But the walking period can normally last from 9 to 16 months.

Walking requires a balance of 3 factors in the child's body:
- muscle strength,
- balance,

Usually a child’s character plays a key role in his or her gait.

❗️Modern children with a mild temperament gradually go through physical changes such as walking and crawling. Children who know how to crawl well do not try to walk because they are well aware that crawling to their goal can be achieved quickly.

❗️Children who start walking late usually enjoy sitting in one place and looking at small objects and studying them with their hands. A child who walks late crawls first, then walks holding, then can stand, and then begins to take independent steps. But children who walk late are usually very well, maintaining balance.

❗️A child who starts walking on time, on the other hand, may be an impulsive, restless, capricious child. Usually, children who walk on time run a lot with their parents, wanting to cope with other physical changes as well.

A child’s early or late gait can also be affected by his or her weight. That is, thin children walk faster than heavy children.

The time a child walks has no indication of his or her intellect, physical development, or future accomplishments. When and how a child walks is as unique as his character.
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