How much does it cost to travel from Tashkent to Haj by car?


⚡️How much does it cost to travel from Tashkent to Haj by car?

The closest route for 1 person from Tashkent to Hajj is Tashkent — Ashgabat — Tehran — Baghdad — Medina — Mecca — Medina — Baghdad — Tehran — Ashgabat — Tashkent (11 km). We will calculate the average 000-month travel expenses:

— $950 for documents (visa, etc.);
— Car preparation $1000;
— Gasoline (10 liters/100 km) $850;
— Mobile internet and SIM card $50;
— Meals and overnight stay — $6;
— $1000 for toll road, parking and other expenses.

The minimum spend is $10, and that doesn't include purchases, admission fees, or extracurricular activities.

P/S: The political structure of the countries is not taken into account when calculating the travel costs and the above prices are subject to change.

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