Is atopic dermatitis a food allergy?


Is atopic dermatitis a food allergy?
Atopic dermatitis (diathesis) is a chronic inflammatory disease of the skin, as a result of the innate lack of "fillagrin" proteins, which form a protective coating on the skin, its barrier properties are disturbed, and as a result, the skin cannot retain moisture and is very sensitive to external influences (allergens, bacteria, temperature, humidity). will hang.
Atopic dermatitis in children is associated with food allergy in only 30% of cases. That is why in many cases dieting does not work. Allergies to products such as cow's milk proteins, eggs, wheat flour, soy, fish, and peanuts can be detected.
Main symptoms:
Redness of the skin
🔸️ itchy
🔸️ appearance of crust
Rashes in children can usually be on the face, cheeks, outer surfaces of arms and legs, neck area, sometimes on the whole body.
Treatment = care!!!
🔸️take a bath every day
🔸️water temperature is 33-34°C, it is even better if it is cooled or filtered
🔸️ various soaps, gels, laundry soap, herbal tinctures cannot be used
🔸️ it is not appropriate to use a mop
🔸️the towel should be very soft, it should be wiped, it should not be rubbed
🔸️ EMOLENTS are applied immediately after bathing
🔸️ room temperature should not be hot and dry
🔸️ it is not recommended to keep dust-collecting items and pets in the room.
The main drug used in the treatment of atopic dermatitis is topical steroids (hormonal ointments). But it is advisable to use them only on the recommendation of a doctor. Improper use can have adverse effects.

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