Is it possible to change the form of education when transferring and resuming studies?


Is it possible to change the form of education when transferring and resuming studies?

According to the government decision (20.06.2017 No. 393), the following circumstances are grounds for rejection of a citizen's application for transfer and resumption of studies:

➖from evening (shift) education to extramural (special extramural) education and from one field of education to another field of evening (shift) education;

➖from part-time (special part-time) education to full-time education and from one field of education to another field of part-time (special part-time) education;

➖from one form of education to a form of special extramural education and from a form of special extramural education to another form of education.

Therefore, the application of those who applied for transfer or resumption of studies in the above situations will be rejected. So in this case it is not possible to change the form of education.

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