January 4 - Isaac Newton was born


January 4 - Isaac Newton was born
Did you know that January 4th is celebrated as Newton Day?
The reason is that one of the greatest scientists in history, Isaac Newton, was born on this day.
The scientist was born on January 1643, 4 in a peasant family in England. Due to the fact that the future scientist was born prematurely and was physically very weak, his relatives did not even hope that he would live. As a child, the scientist had almost no friends, because he spent most of his time reading books and could hardly stop reading.
He often quarreled with his parents because of Isaac Jr.'s reluctance to do anything other than science. As a child, he studied independently, and the future scientist's parents considered his interest in science to be an unnecessary concern.
In 1655, the teenager Isaac entered Gretham's school, where the future scientist began to demonstrate his abilities to those around him.
In 1661, 18-year-old Newton began studying at Cambridge University.
Isaac Newton left a name in history as a mathematician, physicist, mechanic and astronomer.
He introduced many laws and theories to physics and mathematics. He deeply studied the laws of motion and gravity, the law of universal gravitation, the laws of light, and the propagation of light. He explained the movement of heavenly bodies using mathematical calculations. He proved that the Earth's gravity is strong.
It was Isaac Newton who spent a lot of effort and time to study the direction of optics, and it was Newton who separated the spectrum into 7 colors.
Newton also wrote poetry as a child, but as he got older he became more interested in science and gave up writing poetry altogether.
The apple that fell on Newton's head
There is hardly anyone who has not heard the story about Newton and the apple. An apple falls on the head of a scientist sitting under a tree, as a result of which the scientist discovers the law of gravity. There are many people who reject this story, and some still believe it today. It's up to everyone to believe it or not. However, there is a famous apple tree in the Cambridge Botanic Gardens, which is said to be a descendant of the tree from which the famous apple that fell on Newton's head grew.
Newton Day
Every year January 4th is celebrated as Newton Day among representatives of the world of science, his services to science are remembered.
For many years, the scientist taught as a teacher at the University of Cambridge, where he studied, but his lectures did not interest the students much.
Interesting facts
— Isaac Newton considered Galileo, Kepler and Descartes to be the three greatest men in history.
— Despite the fact that the scientist went deeper into science year after year, he remained pious until the end of his life.
- The scientist was never in a hurry to reveal his discoveries to the public. Because of this, most of his discoveries were announced only after 20-30 years.
- Isaac Newton was the first citizen of England, whose merits in the field of science were highly appreciated, and he was considered worthy of the order of knighthood.
Personal life
Isaac Newton never had a family. All his life he kept repeating that he felt alone.
The great scientist died in 1727, and the whole population of London gathered at his funeral.

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