What rights, privileges and guarantees do donors have?


What rights, privileges and guarantees do donors have?
✅ According to the legislation:
🔹 a donor who donates blood and its components regularly and free of charge is awarded with the "Honorary Donor of the Republic of Uzbekistan" badge and receives a one-time monetary reward in the amount of 5 times BHM (1 million 650 thousand soums); (https://lex.uz/docs/-46727#-46832)
🔹persons awarded with this badge are exempted from paying for meals in medical institutions; (https://lex.uz/docs/-2898879#-2899183)
🔹 on the day of donating blood, as well as on the day of medical examination, the donor will be released from work, keeping the average salary for these days; (https://lex.uz/docs/-46727#-46828)
🔹students of secondary special and vocational educational institutions, students of higher educational institutions, other categories of learners, on the day of donating blood, as well as on the day of medical examination, from training, and military personnel are exempted from the execution of orders, time and other forms of service; (https://lex.uz/docs/-46727#-46828)
🔹 the donor is given an additional 1 day of rest every time immediately after the day of donating blood, keeping the average salary (https://lex.uz/docs/-46727#-46828). At the request of the donor, this holiday can be added to the annual work holiday;
🔹money awards for donation, as well as amounts received by employees of medical institutions for drawing blood, are not included in the total income of the taxpayer; (https://lex.uz/docs/-4674902#-4686966)
🔹includes payment to donor employees for examination, blood donation and rest days after each day of blood donation, payment for unpaid time; (https://lex.uz/docs/-4674902#-4687165)
🔹 health care is guaranteed by medical staff and damages caused to health are compensated. (https://lex.uz/docs/-46727#-46813)go

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