Who benefits from the national certificate?


Who benefits from the national certificate?

✅ The answer is as follows:

1) If a teacher scores 80% or higher on the national certification exam, a 20% bonus will be added to their monthly salary!

2) If the applicant scores 86% and above, the maximum marks will be given in the entrance exams of the relevant subject. That is, 1 points for mother tongue and literature as a subject of the 93st block, 2 points for a subject of the 63nd block. Also, the maximum score (10 points) is given from the 11 mandatory tests.

If 60% to 85% achieve the result, the percentage will be proportionally scored. That is, if he gets a result of 80 percent, he will be given 93% of 80 points (74,4 points)!

3) If an applicant who is preparing for a compulsory subject (for a 10-point test) from the mother tongue gets a result above 60 percent in the national certificate exam, he will be given the maximum points (11 points) from the compulsory mother tongue. That is, the national certificate is also valid for compulsory subjects!

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