Flowers that clean the air


Various household appliances, plastic furniture, linoleum, panels, paints, washing powder and detergents pollute the air in apartments and offices with benzene, phenol, formaldehyde, carbon dioxide, nitrogen oxides and ammonia. Today we are going to look at room flowers that help improve the environmental situation in apartments and offices.

1. Shefflera (Schéfflera or Umbrella Tree) - can be grown in rooms where smokers live or work. This plant quickly "swallows" the nicotine and tar in tobacco smoke.

2. Golden syndapsus (Epipremnum aureum or Potos) cleans the air from benzene. The broad leaves of the plant can "absorb" this substance in large quantities. Potos grows quickly, it does not require much watering.

3. Dratsena (Dracaena) neutralizes formaldehyde. This plant neutralizes formaldehyde from varnishes, glues and furniture, even in small amounts.

4. Chlorophytum (Chlorophytum) - well "assimilates" exhaust gases. Therefore, this flower is very useful for residents of the first and second floors.

5. Hamedorea (Chamaedorea elegans or house palm) humidifies the air, filters substances from the plastic.

6. Ivy (Hedera helix) - is a record-breaking plant for air purification. It absorbs toxins such as formaldehyde, benzene, ammonia.

7. Benjamin ficus (Ficus benjamina) - is the second best air purifier. It absorbs many toxins, such as ivy, and attracts dust like an ox.


1 комментарий к “Flowers that clean the air”

  1. Gut zu vissen, dass der Goldene Syndapsus die Luft von Benzol reinigt. My Onkel möchte sich einige Pflanzen anschaffen, die die Luft zu Hause reinigen. If you want to get the most out of Benzene from Luft, you have to buy Goldenen Syndapsus.

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