Annual salaries of airplane pilots


What is the annual salary of airplane pilots?

🇺🇲 Pilot salaries in the USA ( are usually paid hourly rather than monthly or yearly. It ranges from $56 to $000 annually, depending on the scope and complexity of the work. Average salaries range from $700 to $000.

🇷🇺 In Russia (, the salary of pilots ranges from $11 to $000, while the average annual salary is around $36.

🇸🇬 Singapore (, one of the most developed countries, has an average salary of $119 for pilots, depending on experience, flight time, region and can range from $000 to $57 depending on other factors.

🇺🇿 The average (annual) salary of pilots in the Republic of Uzbekistan ranges from $3 to $000, and additional bonus money, free trips and discounts are noted in the announcements of Uzbekistan Airways (

💬 P. S: There are many benefits for pilots from other countries and they are separate from salaries!

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