Correctional (Special) pedagogy


Correctional (Special) pedagogy
  • Emergence of correctional pedagogy
  • Purpose and tasks of correctional pedagogy
  • Categories of correctional pedagogy
Subject, tasks and essence of correctional pedagogy. Correctional pedagogy (defectology) deals with correctional education and upbringing of students with various defects (deficiencies) in their development. Correction (special) education (defectology - Greek defectus - flaw, deficiency, logos - science, doctrine) - to study the nature and laws of managing the process of individuality and personality development of a child with a physical or mental deficiency in development, based on special, individual education and training methods, with limited health opportunities. is considered a research science.
Correctional pedagogy (defectology) includes the following areas:
In the pedagogical dictionary «correction" It is emphasized that the concept (from the Greek "correctiio" - correction) is understood as the correction (partial or complete) of mental and physical development deficiencies of anomalous children with the help of a special system of pedagogical methods and activities.
In this dictionary, "corrective pedagogy" refers to the essence and principles of managing the process of individuality and personality development of a child who has a physical or mental deficiency, needs special, individual education and teaching methods, and has limited health opportunities. it is noted that science.
The main goal of correctional pedagogy - consists in eliminating or reducing the inconsistency between the specified (normal) and (existing deficiency) activities.
Correctional-pedagogical activity Pedagogical system covering the whole educational process and providing for the implementation of complex psychophysiological and socio-pedagogical measures.
Along with corrective, corrective-developmental, corrective-prophylactic activities, diagnostics ensures the implementation of educational and correctional-teaching, psychocorrective activities. Correctional-pedagogical activity is a holistic process aimed at training, education and development of anomalous students with the help of specialists in accordance with the special educational program.
The main tasks of correctional pedagogy. There are general laws of development, education and upbringing of different categories of anomalous children. Correctional pedagogy basisorganizes a comprehensive, physiological and psychological study of anomalous children, and its tasks include the following:
  • correction of defects of a child with various deficiencies in development and determination of corrective and compensatory possibilities;
  • solving the problems of anomalous children in order to implement differentiated teaching and upbringing;
  • identification and registration of abnormal children;
  • scientific development of methods for early diagnosis of developmental anomalies;
  • development of measures to correct, eliminate or reduce developmental defects in children;
  • development of a system of preventive measures to prevent anomalous childhood;
  • improving the effectiveness of the process of developing and socializing an abnormal child.
Categories of correctional pedagogy. Correctional pedagogy has the following pedagogical categories:
  1. Education and development of abnormal children preparing them for social life and work is a purposeful process aimed at forming knowledge, skills and qualifications in them. When choosing the educational system and methods for abnormal children, the age of the child and the time of origin of the defect are taken into account. The time of loss of hearing or vision is of particular importance.
The development of an abnormal child depends on education to a greater extent than that of a normal child. Therefore, if anomalous children are not educated or education is started late, their development will be seriously damaged, the formation of mental functions will lag behind, the degree of lagging behind normal peers will increase, if the defects are very serious, the opportunities for mental development may not be realized.
The central problem of special didactics is the issue of organizing labor education and training. It is especially important to organize it in special schools. Consequently, in this process, students' social life, as well as preparation for professional activities at the level of opportunity, help to restore the impaired functions, as well as to reduce the level of mental and physical development defects.
  1. Raising abnormal children - is the main concept of correctional pedagogy, its purpose and task is to prepare anomalous children for active social life and work with the help of methods and tools corresponding to the level and structure of the defect, to form citizenship qualities in them. Education of abnormal children is carried out on the basis of close contact between the family and the educational institution, mutual support, mutual assistance, demandingness and reasonable kindness.
Based on the consideration of individual and age characteristics of anomalous children, educational work is aimed at forming their independence, self-service, work skills, moral culture, as well as living and working skills in a social environment. Raising an anomalous child requires a careful attitude of those around him to his mental or physical deficiencies. It is very important to educate optimism and confidence in such children, to develop their ability or to develop a substitute for it, to educate their positive qualities, and to develop the ability to critically evaluate their actions and behavior.
  1. Correction (Greek correction) refers to the correction, elimination and reduction of defects in the child's mental and physical development.
  2. Correctional and educational works as a category, it consists of a system of measures of general pedagogical influence according to the characteristics of anomalous development of a person. All types and forms of classroom and out-of-class work are used in correctional-educational issues. Correctional-educational work is carried out in the process of teaching anomalous children and creates great opportunities for effective organization of labor education. In the process of labor education, not only professional skills, but also skills of planning one's work, skills of following verbal instructions, critical assessment of the quality of work and other skills are trained. It is important to create conditions for anomalous children to communicate with normally developed children by correcting their deficiencies. In a number of cases, it is necessary to organize treatment-corrective measures (therapeutic physical exercises, massage, articular and respiratory gymnastics, taking medicines, etc.) for anomalous children.
  3. Compensation (Greek "compensatio" - replacement, equalization) is the replacement or reconstruction of damaged or underdeveloped functions of the organism. The compensation process relies on the reserve capacity of higher nervous activity.
  4. Social rehabilitation (from the Greek "rehabilitas" - restoration of ability, capability) in the medical and pedagogical context means to create conditions for the anomalous child to participate in the social environment at the level of psychophysiological capabilities, to involve him in his social life and work. This is the main task in the theory and practice of correctional pedagogy.
Rehabilitation is carried out with the help of special medical tools and special education, upbringing and professional training aimed at eliminating and alleviating defects. In the course of rehabilitation, the functions damaged by the disease are replaced. The tasks of rehabilitation are solved in the system of special educational institutions for different categories of anomalous children.
  1. Social adaptation (from the Greek "adapto" - to adapt) - to ensure that the individual and group behavior of anomalous children conforms to the system of public rules and values. It is difficult for anomalous children to organize social relations, they have a low ability to respond to the changes taking place, therefore they are not capable of fulfilling complex requirements. Social adaptation provides an opportunity for children to actively participate in socially useful work.
  2. Family upbringing factor of effective organization of rehabilitation. The cooperative actions of the family and the school ensure the involvement of the anomalous child in social activities, the determination of his work skills and the formation of professional skills at the level of opportunity.
The main directions of correctional work with anomalous students. Education, upbringing and development of children with psychophysiological development and behavioral defects is a complex socio-pedagogical problem. Correctional work with children with developmental disabilities is as follows directionsconducted at:
  1. Determining the nature and essence of children's developmental and behavioral defects, studying the causes and conditions of their occurrence.
  2. To study the history of organization and development of correctional-pedagogical activity with children with developmental and behavioral defects.
  3. To determine the etymology (causal basis) of socio-pedagogical conditions and psychophysiological development of children, which serve to prevent developmental and behavioral defects of children.
  4. Development of technology, forms, methods and means of correctional-pedagogical influence on children with developmental deficiencies and behavioral defects.
  5. Analysis of the content of general and special education of children with developmental and behavioral disabilities in the conditions of public general secondary education sources.
  6. Determining the purpose, mission and main directions of child rehabilitation and protection centers, special institutions.
  7. Creating the necessary educational and methodological base for the training of teachers who organize correctional-pedagogical activities with abnormal children.
Correctional and educational works is a system of special pedagogical measures aimed at eliminating or reducing the deficiencies in the development of anomalous children. Correctional and educational works are not directed only to the correction of individual defects, but to general development.
Development of students and correction of behavioral defects is considered a holistic pedagogical phenomenon aimed at changing the child's personality.
Correctional and educational activity Pedagogical behavior aimed at changing the child's perceptive abilities, improving his emotional-volitional, individual-personal qualities, developing interests and abilities, work, artistic, aesthetic and other abilities.
Corrective and developmental education is a differential education system that provides timely and qualified assistance to anomalous children in studies and at school, its main task systematization of knowledge aimed at increasing the general level of child development, elimination of deficiencies in his development and learning, formation of insufficiently formed qualifications and skills, and correction of deficiencies in the child's perception.
Emergence, organization and development of correctional pedagogy. Correctional-pedagogical activities with children with developmental disabilities have rich historical experiences. Anomalous (from the Greek anomalos - wrong) children include children whose physical or mental defects lead to a violation of the general development.
The history of the development of social society shows that attitudes towards abnormal children have been formed in an evolutionary way for a long time.
From the Renaissance to the middle of the XNUMXth century, it is possible to understand the evolutionary nature of views on the problem of defects in the mental development of children in the science and practice of European defectology.
Regarding the mentally ill humanitarian approach It was first proposed by the French doctor and psychiatrist Philippe Pinel (1745-1826). He classified mental illnesses.
Pedagogical approach to children with developmental disabilities arises in the late XNUMXth - early XNUMXth centuries. Mentally retarded children the idea of ​​teaching and educating using special methodswas founded by Johann Heinrich Pestalozzi (1746-1827), but this idea was not supported in his time. IGPestalotsi explained the essence of the principle of working with the mentally retarded: providing the child with the knowledge that is possible, achieving harmony of mental and physical education in the use of didactic materials, organizing education in connection with production work.
Regarding education and training of mentally retarded children medical-pedagogical approach its founder is the French psychiatrist Jean Itard (1775-1838). He tried to give education and training to a child with complex mental retardation. Although it did not achieve the expected result, this category showed the way to develop children with the help of training their sensory and motor organs.
Anatomic-physiological approach German psychiatrist Emil Kraepelin (1856-1926) made a great contribution to its development. He was the first to use the concepts of "retardation of mental development" (PROq (ZPR)) and "oligophrenia" (Greek olygos - low and phren - mind).
French psychologist Alfred Binet and psychiatrist Thomas Simon founded the test method. Therefore, they are the founders of the psychometric direction of studying intellectual disability.
Based on the above-mentioned approaches, by the beginning of the XNUMXth century, the following three main approaches were decided:
  1. Medical-clinical approach It promotes the idea of ​​knowing the etymology of the mentally retarded, the factors that cause intellectual impairment, as well as the study of anatomical-physiological and genetic disorders.
  2. Psychological approach It is aimed at studying the mental activity, emotional state and personality of mentally disturbed children.
  3. Pedagogical approach It is based on the idea of ​​studying pedagogical principles and methods of teaching and educating children with intellectual disabilities, as well as ways to eliminate defects.
The history of Russian correctional pedagogy is inextricably linked with European defectological science.
Peter I, Catherine II issued a decree on the establishment of treatment facilities, orphanages and special schools for anomalous children.
At the end of the XNUMXth and the beginning of the XNUMXth century, many societies and social organizations were established to educate and educate abnormal children.
During the former Soviet period, special attention was paid to the study of problems related to childhood protection and children's disabilities.
In 1918, a special decree was adopted by Sovnarkom. It was emphasized that the main task in helping abnormal children is not to separate them, but to pay more attention to their education and upbringing. This year, the first special educational institution (VPKashenko House) was established in Russia.
The history of the development of correctional pedagogy (defectology) in the Republic of Uzbekistan is inextricably linked with the Russian science of defectology, and at the same time, it has its own characteristics. These features are characterized by the deep penetration of religion into the life and livelihood of the Uzbek people and the Uzbek national mentality. The Uzbek people have a humane attitude towards anomalous children, showing them mercy and kindness.
Currently, special educational institutions for anomalous children (boarding schools for blind and deaf children, auxiliary boarding schools for the mentally retarded) are operating in the republic. Article 1997 of the Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan "On Education" (23) provides for the education and treatment of children and adolescents with disabilities in mental or physical development in special (specialized) educational institutions. it is noted that it will be launched.
In the 60s and 70s of the 1967th century, positive works were carried out in the republic to conduct research on correctional pedagogy and train special education teachers. In particular, in XNUMX, the department of defectology was opened at the Faculty of Pedagogy and Psychology of the Tashkent State Pedagogical Institute named after Nizomi, and the training of pedagogues-defectologists for specialized institutions was launched.
Currently, republican scientist defectologists are studying the problems of organizing remedial and developmental classes in public general secondary schools, providing support for adaptation of anomalous children to school, and preparing them for social life.
Psychological-medical-pedagogical commissions (PMPK) deal with the issue of education and upbringing of abnormal children in special institutions, as well as organization of correctional and developmental classes in general secondary schools. In this regard, the following experts principlesIt is advisable to follow:
  1. The principle of humanity It is to create the necessary conditions for every child to develop their abilities to the maximum in time, and it requires consistent and detailed study of the child, searching for ways and means to overcome the difficulties encountered in his path. is enough.
  2. The principle of complex learning of children it implies familiarity with the information obtained by the necessary specialties (medical, defectological, psychological and pedagogical) in diagnosing the child. If the opinions of the doctor, defectologist, psychologist and pedagogue differ, the child will be re-examined.
  3. The principle of comprehensive and comprehensive study of the child It involves checking the child's perception, emotional-volitional qualities and behavior. According to it, the child's physical condition, which can have a serious impact on his development, is also taken into account. A comprehensive and holistic study of the child is based on observing his actions in the course of his activities such as study, work and play.
  4. The principle of dynamic learning of the child during the inspection, it is important to take into account not only what they know and can do, but also their educational opportunities. LSVo`gotsky's "zone of proximal development" - the doctrine of children's available opportunities for learning forms the basis of this principle.
  5. Principle of qualitative-quantitative approach justifies the need to take into account not only the final result, but also the method, the rationality of the chosen way to solve the problem, the logical sequence of actions, determination and perseverance in achieving the goal when evaluating the task performed by the child.
  6. The principle of separating children with certain types of pathology from other groups of children each special educational institution describes its own rules.
  7. The principle of organizing differentiated education according to the level of deviations in development It implies that children with the same development, but with different deviations according to their level, will be studied separately, therefore, there are significant differences in their teaching methods (for example, blind children are tactilely based (according to the Brain system), poor sighted people are trained based on sight).
  8. Age principle represents the admission of children of a certain age to each group or class. Examination of children with developmental defects of different ages and provision of corrective assistance to them is carried out by qualified specialists.
PMPK includes the following specialists: pedagogue, psychologist, doctor, psychiatrist, neuropathologist, otolaryngologist, orthopedist, ophthalmologist, oligophrenopedagogue, deaf pedagogue, typhologist and speech therapist. PMPK works are led by a specialist with defectological education and practical experience in working with anomalous children.
Psychological-pedagogical examinations are organized using the following methods:
  1. Interview method. The conversation is a means of establishing contact with the child, and it allows to collect information about the personality, emotional-volitional qualities, behavior, as well as the reasons for deviations in the development of the anomalous child. It is not recommended to organize a conversation if the child has speech and hearing impairments, or has difficulty in communicating. In such cases, visual material that interests the child can be used.
  2. Tracking method. Observation begins before the child comes to the consultation and continues during the comprehensive examinations. Observation is always carried out on the basis of a clear objective. Observation of the child in the process of organizing game activities is of particular importance, they allow to establish contact with the child. In some cases, special tests are conducted using toys.
  3. Pictures o`learning methods. Pictures are an important differential-diagnostic tool in studying a child. If the child is worried about the pictures suggested by the pedagogue, it is appropriate to offer the child free drawing. His ability to choose a subject, features of depiction, painting process are valuable information for the final diagnosis. Children with mental retardation usually have difficulty choosing a subject, they try to describe individual ordinary objects without creating plots.
  4. Tjobpsychological studies methods. They intend to create certain situations that trigger a mental process that needs to be studied specifically. With the help of experimental methods, it will be possible to reveal the causes and mechanisms of one or another situation.
  5. Tests methods. This method is used in examining children for psychodiagnostic purposes. An adapted test based on D. Weksler is popular. Its use allows to obtain necessary additional information about the child during individual-psychological examinations.
Psychic development behind the rest children balance sheet correction works olive go features. O'In the 60s of the XNUMXth century, for the first time, special pedagogical work was carried out with children who were lagging behind in mental development.
Currently, boarding schools and special educational institutions are operating for children with mental retardation. They can also teach in correctional and developmental classes organized in public secondary schools.
The educational process is carried out in the following stages:
  1. Primary general secondary education (term of education - 4-5 years).
  2. Basic general secondary education (term of education - 5 years).
Admission of children to correctional institutions is carried out according to the conclusion of the PTPK with the consent of their parents or their substitutes. The class consists of 12 students. They can be transferred to mass general secondary educational institutions according to the elimination of developmental defects.
Education in the second stage (grades V-IX) is carried out on the basis of the programs of public general secondary schools with some changes (reduction of certain educational topics or the volume of materials in them). The period of the 1st stage of education in corrective and developmental classes can be extended by 1 or even 2 years in necessary cases.
The main task in working with them is to help children acquire knowledge about the environment, to create observational and practical learning experience in them, to independently acquire knowledge and to use it in practice.
Such students require an individual approach. It is necessary to carry out their correctional training together with treatment and rehabilitation measures. It is necessary to choose educational material and educational method in accordance with the developmental levels of PROq children.
Although mental retardation is recognized as an incurable phenomenon, it does not mean that it cannot be corrected. In most researches, it is possible to achieve a positive result in the development of mentally retarded children if the methodically correct approach is followed in special (correctional) educational institutions.
Correctional work with mentally retarded children. Early initiation of correctional work with a mentally retarded child allows for maximum correction of the defect and prevention of secondary deviations. It is very important to carry out psychological and pedagogical diagnosis of mental retardation on time.
Mentally retarded children are brought up in special nurseries under the family or health care system. Correctional work with children of preschool age is carried out in special kindergartens for mentally retarded children. Preschool children with mental retardation can be admitted to special groups in public kindergartens. Education in them is carried out according to a special program, like in a special kindergarten.
Mentally retarded children of school age are educated in special (correctional) schools, where education is carried out according to a special program based on the state educational standard. In such schools, along with general secondary education subjects (mother tongue, reading, mathematics, geography, history, nature, physical culture, painting, music, drawing), special corrective subjects are taught. Labor education occupies an important place in special schools. Labor education has a professional character already in the IV grade, and children learn the profession that they can perform. Educational activities are also of great importance, the main goal of which is to socialize the students, to educate them in positive qualities, to teach them to make a correct assessment of themselves and others. At the same time, 90% of special schools for mentally retarded children in the republic are boarding schools.
Sometimes the case of a child with intellectual disability being sent to a public general secondary school is noticeable. In such a case, it is necessary for the parents to agree on the fate of the child, the responsibility of his education and upbringing with the teacher-defectologists. A mentally retarded child studying in the same class with normally developing children requires special treatment. As long as the child is able, he should participate in class activities without disrupting the course of the lesson. It is impossible to allow something to be incomprehensible to him. This situation leads to complete misunderstanding of the educational material. Teaching a mentally retarded child in a public secondary school requires the direct participation of parents.
Corrective education of speech-impaired students. Causes of speech disorders and their types. Speech is an important mental function unique to humans. With the help of speech relations, the knowledge that reflects existence in the mind of a person is constantly replenished and enriched.
An important field of correctional pedagogy (defectology) with the study, prevention and correction of speech defects - speech therapy (Greek logos - word and paideia - education) is engaged. Speech disorders caused by a pathogenic factor do not disappear on their own, and without specially organized corrective and speech therapy measures, they have a negative impact on the further development of the child.
Exogenous (external) and endogenous (internal) factors play a major role among the causes of speech disorders. In addition, the effects of (anatomical-physiological, morphological), functional (psychogenic), social-psychological (negative effects of the environment), psychoneurological (impairment of mental functions (mental retardation, memory or attention disorders, etc.) will be
Among the exogenous and organic factors: factors that negatively affect the child's central nervous system and its organism (infection, injuries, intoxication), various obstetric pathologies (narrow waist, prolonged or rapid delivery, or It is caused by cases such as entanglement, improper positioning of the child, etc.), failure to provide qualified obstetric care, premature birth.
Currently, two types of speech disorders are distinguished in speech therapy:
  • medical-psychological speech disorder;
  • psycho-pedagogical speech disorder.
All speech disorders seen in the medical and psychological type can be divided into the following two large groups:
  • speech disorder;
  • disorder of written speech.
Disorder of oral speech in turn, it is divided into the following two types:
  • violation of the phonation structure of speech expression (speech pronunciation);
  • violation of the structural-semantic (internal) structure of thought (systemic or polymorphous speech).
Psychologicalpedagogy (pedagogy) classification is directed to its use in the pedagogical process, and serves to develop methods of corrective and developmental influence aimed at correcting speech defects with the children's team.
According to the psychological-pedagogical (pedagogical) classification, speech disorders are divided into the following two groups:
  1. Treatment tools (phoneticphonemic va of speech common lack of development)and violation.
  2. 2. Violations in the use of means of transportation.
Psychological-pedagogical correction of speech disorders in schoolchildren. Psychological and pedagogical characteristics of children with speech disorders. Speech disorders, causes, mechanisms, symptoms, course and structure of speech disorders with the issue of prevention, special (corrective) education and training speech therapy is engaged. The term "logopedia" is translated from Greek and means "education of correct speech". Speech disorder is studied by various specialists - physiologist, neuropathologist, psychologist, linguist, etc.
Functional or organic deviations are noticeable in the activity of the central nervous system of children with speech disorders. Due to the organic damage of the brain, it is hot, walking in traffic, swinging for a long time in the crib has a bad effect on children, they get headaches, depression, and dizziness. They get tired quickly, are characterized by strong emotions and temper tantrums. They are not emotionally stable, their moods change quickly, they are irritable, aggressive, restless. They also have slowness and laziness. Such children cannot sit still, it will be difficult to maintain diligence and attention throughout the lesson. They get upset very quickly, they don't listen. After the break, it will be difficult for them to concentrate in class. Such children usually have a lack of attention and memory, especially verbal memory, and lack of understanding.
A logopedic center operates under general secondary education schools. The tasks of the logopedic center are as follows:
Correctional work with students in the logopedic center is carried out individually and in groups throughout the academic year. If speech impairment is very serious, training is conducted in special educational institutions. It is an important condition for correcting the speech disorder to carry out treatment and rehabilitation and psychological-pedagogical work together with the student.
Logopedic assistance is also provided in the health care and social welfare systems of the population. Polyclinics and psychoneurological dispensaries have speech therapy offices, where speech therapy is provided to children with speech disorders.
Correctional education of students with hearing impairment. Causes of hearing impairment, their classification. Among the abnormal children, there are many children with various degrees of hearing impairment. Hearing - the reflection of existence in the form of sound phenomena, the ability of a person (living creature) to understand and distinguish sounds. Hearing auditory organ or sound analyzer (a complex nervous system that receives and separates sound effects) is done using
In most cases, hearing loss is permanent. For example, the formation of the middle ear, colds, the occurrence of sulfur barriers, anomalous structure of the outer and middle ear (absence or insufficient development of the auricle, blockage of the auditory canal, defects in the eardrum) etc.) in such cases. Modern medicine has effective methods of their treatment. Conservative and operative methods should be included among them. Hearing is usually restored with effective treatment, sometimes over a long period of time.
Infectious diseases, poisoning, acoustic or contusive injuries can also cause hearing impairment. due to the causes of ear heaviness or deafness: hereditary, congenital and derived divided into types. Among the causes of hearing impairment at a young age, the following are highlighted: viral diseases of the mother in the first three months of pregnancy (measles, blindness, influenza, hepatitis viruses, etc.), congenital defects in development (for example, cleft lip and palate ), such as premature birth, low birth weight (less than 1500) and poor birth. The mother's consumption of alcohol, drugs, and antibiotics during pregnancy can also cause hearing impairment. Deafness is rarely inherited.
Hearing impairments can be divided into the following types:
  • level of hearing impairment;
  • level of speech development when hearing is impaired;
  • time of hearing impairment.
Hearing impairment according to the above criteria the ear`i og`big va deafness divided into groups such as
Dwarf this is a severe loss of hearing, the child cannot independently acquire speech and cannot hear clearly even when spoken from a very close distance to the ear. But the ability to hear, which allows you to receive some sounds of speech at a close distance, remains intact.
the ear`i og`big - this is a severe decrease in hearing ability (less than 80 decibels), and with the help of the residual hearing ability, the child can hear the speech when it is spoken loudly in front of the ear. The child can acquire the minimum vocabulary independently.
Deaf and hard-of-hearing people differ in the way they perceive speech. Deaf people receive speech by sight (by looking at the lips and face of the interlocutor) and by hearing (with the help of a sound amplification device).
Hearing impaired people listen and accept speech based on speaking in a loud tone in the process of natural relations with others.
Hearing ability broken the children public common o`rta ta'lim in their schools correction o`read. Deaf pedagogy deals with the issues of education and upbringing of children with hearing impairment. Sign language pedagogy (Greek "surdus" - deaf) is another important field of correctional (special) pedagogy that studies the process of teaching and educating children with impaired hearing.
The normal operation of the hearing analyzer is of particular importance for the overall development of the child. When the auditory analyzer is damaged, the speech and psychological development of the child deteriorates, the cognitive activity and general development lag behind. According to statistics, the number of hearing impaired and deaf children is constantly increasing.
Correctional education of visually impaired students. Types of visual impairment, their causes and consequences. With features of education and upbringing of visually impaired children typhlopedagogy deals with (from the Greek "typhlos" - blind) - an important field of correctional pedagogy (defectology).
See is to perceive and accept existence with the help of a vision analyzer. The brain receives information about the outside world through vision.
When a child's eyesight is impaired, serious difficulties arise in the processes of his development, education and upbringing.
There are various causes of visual impairment in children, and they consist of hereditary diseases, pathology of the organs of vision during the development of the fetus in the womb, the mother suffering from tokeplasmosis, measles and other serious diseases during pregnancy, etc. can be
Visual impairment congenital or acquired will be.
Congenital to be blind damage to the fetus occurs due to In the occurrence of visual defects pedigree is also noticeable.
Acquired blindness usually organs of vision - disease of the retina, retina or central nervous system (meningitis, brain tumor, meningoencephalitis), complications after general illness of the body (blindness, influenza, scorlatina), as well as traumatic brain or eye damage (head injury, trauma) may be due to
Visually impaired children are divided into the following groups:
  1. Those born blind.
  2. Those who became blind early.
  3. Those who became blind after the age of three.
Correctional education and upbringing of visually impaired children in public secondary schools. With issues of education and upbringing of visually impaired children typhlopedagogy (from the Greek "typhlos" - blind) - another area of ​​correctional pedagogy (defectology) is engaged in.
A teacher working with visually impaired children needs to know the specific aspects of correctional work.
Children with refraction anomalies should wear corrective glasses. But when wearing glasses, children feel the need for the pedagogue to pay attention to them. It is necessary to follow the sanitary-hygienic requirements when doing educational work at school and at home. The workplace for a visually impaired child should be properly and adequately lit. Such a child should be transferred to the first or second row near the window. A near-sighted child should be transferred to the first or second desk closer to the blackboard. A far-sighted child, on the other hand, needs to be transferred to the last desk away from the board.
The teacher should monitor the student's acceptance and understanding of the educational materials on the blackboard, table and map. Eyestrain is often observed in children with abnormal reflexes. Therefore, it is necessary to combine their visual work with other types of work during the lesson. A child with anomalous reflexes should look away (at a blackboard or a window) for a few minutes after performing intensive vision work for 10-15 minutes, this helps to eliminate visual fatigue.
Education of blind and visually impaired children is carried out in special educational institutions. Sometimes children with severe visual impairments are admitted to public secondary schools. In such a situation, there is a need to create special conditions for abnormal children.
Teachers who have a child with severe visual impairment in their classes should treat the child based on a differential approach. For this, the number of students in the class should not exceed 15, the classroom should be well lit, and the workplace of the visually impaired child should be additionally lit. In the process of educational work, the teacher's speech is of great importance. His speech should be clear, understandable and expressive. The teacher interprets the essence of each of his actions with the help of words,
It is desirable for a teacher who has a blind or visually impaired child in his class to know their individual characteristics and capabilities, to understand well that they are different from their peers with normal vision.
Corrective training of students with impaired locomotor apparatus. Types of musculoskeletal disorders and their causes. Various disorders in the locomotor apparatus can cause certain problems in the education and upbringing of children. Disorders of the musculoskeletal system congenital or acquired can be. Pathology of the musculoskeletal system divided into the following types:
1) diseases of the nervous system (cerebral palsy, poliomyelitis);
            2) congenital pathology of the musculoskeletal system; congenital hip; neck curvature; clubfoot and other leg defects; spine development defects (scoliosis); underdevelopment and defects of hands or feet; abnormal development of fingers; arthrogryposis (congenital disability);
            3) acquired diseases and damage to the musculoskeletal system; traumatic injuries of the spinal cord, brain and limbs; polyarthritis; skeletal diseases (tuberculosis, bone tumors, osteomyelitis), skeletal system diseases (rickets, chondrodystrophy).
The main disorder in children with pathology of the musculoskeletal system mobility impairment is considered 89% of children with such defects children with cerebral palsy they organize. In them, movement disorder is manifested along with mental and speech disorders. Therefore, such children need not only treatment and social support, but also psychological-pedagogical and logopedic correction.
Children with moderate mobility impairments learn to walk, but they cannot walk with a walker, they need special devices. In the mild form of mobility impairment, children can walk independently, without fear, at home and on the street, and provide full service to themselves.

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