Dacryocystitis is an inflammation of the tear sac.


Dacryocystitis is an inflammation of the tear sac.


1⃣ Congenital impairment of tear duct permeability
2⃣ Birth injuries
3⃣ Infectious diseases

When a baby is born, all the pathways are good for tear fluid to flow out. Only due to the retention of embryonic tissue elements in the nasopharyngeal canal makes it difficult for tear fluid to flow out of the lacrimal sac. As a result, the tears begin to accumulate and lose their protective function. Microbes fall into the accumulated fluid and purulent inflammation begins.

⭕️ Signs

1⃣ Redness of the inner corner of the eye
2⃣ Tears
3⃣ Swelling
4⃣ Purulent discharge when pressed on the area of ​​the tear sac

The disease manifests itself on the 8th or 10th day of life of the baby.

If the above condition is detected, the child should be taken to an ophthalmologist without delay.

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