Enuresis is involuntary urination.


⭕️ Enuresis is involuntary urination.
Among children under 5 years of age
enuresis 20%

10% among those under 5

It occurs in 12-14% of cases between the ages of 2-3.
⭕️ It is more common among boys than girls.
1⃣ Diseases of the urinary system
2⃣ Abnormalities of the urinary system
3⃣ Organic damage to the brain
4⃣ Spinal lumbar segment dysfunction-spinal enuresis
5⃣ Neurotic enuresis is a strong fear, adaptation to new conditions or organic

⭕️ Treatment:

1⃣ Nomedikamentoz-reduce the amount of water before going to sleep
2⃣ 2-3 hours after going to sleep
sleep and urinary bladder
3⃣ Medications:
Amitriptyline tablet for children over 7 years of age from 12,5 to 25 mg 1-3 times a day.
iImipramine tablet from 1 g / day to 7 g for children 0,01-0,02 years and 8-14 g per day for children 0,03-0,05 years.
⭕️ Urinary incontinence - inability to hold urine when urination occurs Urinary incontinence - urinary incontinence without urination
⭕️ Decreased urination is the number of urination per day that is less than the lower limit of normal
⭕️ Pollakiuria - a small amount (drip) of urine

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