Depression and its hidden symptoms


Our current intense lifestyle, the pursuit of dreams, the high plans we have set for ourselves in life are increasing as a result of mental stress and consequent depression. Therefore, we found it necessary to dwell on the topic of depression. Research has found that more than half of the population in large cities is prone to some degree of depression. Information noise, the “rabid” pace of our lives, trying to get “all at once” in every aspect of activity makes us tired, lethargic, apathetic or hypersensitive and irritable.

Simple facts about depression

You may be closer to depression than you thought. People think that depression appears with some obvious symptoms. For example, your loved one becomes angry or crying.
We, on the other hand, decided to dwell on the characters that most are invisible, invisible, and unrecognizable.

Ikhota, isolation, that is, isolation

Mentally depressed people tend to be lonely. Because when they are alone, they want to think and decide about themselves and the problem, their feelings. It is much harder to do this in public. If your acquaintance is too hard-working at first and suddenly becomes unstable and humane, wild, know that this can be a sign of depression. Other symptoms are a constant urge to sleep or just watch TV instead of the active habit you used to have.


Depression is a state of suffocation. That is why it is always self and own
trying to understand what is happening on their own by analyzing their actions
those who do always feel exhausted and tired. Depression takes away all the energy and leaves no strength and passion for vital situations and planned plans. That’s why I say that depression is no easier than dragging a big boulder to the top of a mountain.
Fatigue can also lead to sleep disorders (or its component disorders)
possible. People with sleep disorders are 10 times more likely to develop deep depression.

Depression and its hidden symptoms
Depression and its hidden symptoms
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Low, lack of passion

Has your co-worker, who is always on time, developed the habit of always being late for not doing his job on time? Maybe it’s not a habit change. Many people who experience depression lose interest. This applies not only to getting the job done on time or coming to work on time, but also to all aspects of life.

Polarized temperament

An acquaintance who is usually calm, smiling in a positive mood, all of a sudden
if it is reversed (nervousness, shooting with everyone) it is also depression
may be a sign.
Why is that? Depression is stress. It strains the emotional background, intensifying the emotions and sometimes weakening them. When the emotional background is weakened, depression gets more energy, and as a result, people lose their reaction to the events that take place in the environment, accepting them as they should be.

A change in appearance

It makes you think a little if your loved one suddenly loses weight or becomes obese for no apparent reason. This condition can be a state of depression that is accompanied by eating disorders. Weight gain and weight gain are common symptoms of depression in all people.
It is also possible to add attention to one's appearance, especially if one has noticed everyone before by paying attention to oneself.

Sexual dysfunction

Lack of interest in sex is also a sign of depression. It's hard to tell because people may not have sex for other reasons. But when it comes to sexual dysfunction, it is clear that the root of the problem lies in the mood. The point is, our brains are connected to the genitals. Lust and sexual desire for a couple is born in the brain, only then is a signal from the brain transmitted to the genitals and increased blood flow to the genitals. In addition, depression can drive a husband and wife away from each other. As a result, sexual dysfunction becomes a deeper problem.