What is the value of the damage seen from blocking Twitter and Vertical Current?


What is the value of the damage seen from blocking Twitter and Vertical Current?

Since the morning of July 2, Uzbeks have been having difficulty accessing Twitter, TikTok, Skype and Vkontakte.

Following the entry into force of Article 16-27 of the Law on Personal Data on April 1, Uzkomnazorat will launch popular Internet services in Uzbekistan, including Google, Facebook, TikTok, Telegram and others. sent warning letters to the administration.

According to the data, the cost of blocking Twitter in Uzbekistan alone is $ 779 per day.

@NarxiQancha | Source (https://kun.uz/uz/news/2021/07/02/ozbekiston-rasmiylari-twitter-va-tiktokka-cheklov-qoydi)