From the proverbs of Charlie Chaplin


  • All I need is a park, a cop and a beautiful girl to shoot a comedy.
  • Only those who are not loved are hated.
  • I’m not afraid of the topic that comes up. Life itself is a complete mess. After all, each of us lives and dies, eats three times a day, loves and dislikes.
  • The saddest thing in life is getting used to luxury.
  • Those who have never had a child will not even grow up.
  • A person who is always looking at the ground cannot see a rainbow.
  • A day without a smile is a day lost.
  • The mind can make me anxious, even sick. But if I can reconcile him with my heart, he will immediately become my priceless ally.
  • I see no charm or example in poverty. He didn’t teach me anything, he just ruined my perceptions of life values. He warned against disrespecting the talents and qualities of the so-called upper class of society.
  • The whole thing is sincere. The old man slipped and fell on the banana peel - we don't laugh at that. But if this happens to an arrogant and rich gentleman, we laugh out loud.
  • My pain may cause someone to laugh, but my laughter should not cause someone to hurt.
  • Mirror is my best friend. Because when I cry, he never laughs.
  • The ability to think is like playing the violin or the grand piano. You have to deal with it every day.
  • Life is a non-rehearsal poem. So sing, cry, dance, laugh, and live as well as you can, without waiting for any applause until the curtain falls and the show is over.

Arif Tolib translation
"Youth" magazine, 2016, issue 9

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