History of clothes


History of clothes
Authors: D.Rahmatullayeva, U.Khodjayeva, F.Atakhanova
The role of dress in public life. Concepts of clothing and apparel
The study of national costumes, as well as other spheres of people's life, is closely connected with the application of the ethnic history and culture of each nation, its interaction with other peoples. It is also a criterion among material and spiritual monuments that reflects the national identity and ethnic characteristics of peoples. In this sense, the study of the history of clothing provides a great deal of information about the rich cultural heritage of the peoples who have lived on the planet for thousands of years, as well as their traditions and lifestyles. Clothing not only meets the natural and aesthetic needs of people, but also reflects the traditions of each nation, social relations, certain elements of ideology, religious beliefs, sophistication and aesthetic norms. In addition, clothes reflect the place and time of a person's life, his life, happy or sad events.
Clothing is an integral part of the material and spiritual culture of a society. On the one hand, it has a certain material value as a product of human labor and meets certain needs, on the other hand, it is also an example of applied-decorative art. Clothing, like architectural structures, tools of labor and life, also provides information about a particular historical period, the natural climatic conditions of the country, the national identity of the people and its perception of beauty.
Although the concepts of clothing and attire seem to be similar in content, there are also some differences between these concepts.
Clothing is, first of all, an item that is needed to cover different parts of the human body, protecting it from various influences of the external environment. There are a number of types of clothing. These are: underwear, outerwear, socks of different lengths, shoes, hats.
These items, along with accessories, ornaments, hairstyles, makeup, which perform various functions, make up the dress. It is clothing that reflects a person's social background, his or her unique characteristics, age, gender, character, and aesthetic taste.
The main types and forms of clothing. Some researchers say that clothing is caused by a sense of shame, others say it is caused by the intention to decorate their body, and still others say that a person feels the need for clothing to protect themselves from the cold. In fact, the question of when clothing appeared seems to be of interest to many. Why did humanity need it? The science of archeology comes to the rescue to answer these and similar questions. Archaeological (archeological) excavations show that clothing appeared in the most ancient periods of human development (40-25 thousand years ago). The shoe appeared a little later, and was less common than other elements of the garment.
Clothing is not only a means of satisfying a natural need, but it is also an example of applied art. It, like all examples of applied art, is distinguished by its beauty and purposefulness. In addition to performing a practical function such as protecting the body from various external influences, especially heat and cold, it also has aesthetic functions such as decoration and beauty. For this reason, as society develops, people pay more and more attention to the decoration of clothes, and most importantly, not to duplicate them.
It is known that in the early days, man rubbed dust, mud, and oil on his body in order to protect himself from various influences of nature, as well as from the bites of animals and insects. Later, vegetable dyes were added to these ointments, and the human body was dyed with different shapes and colors, and it was customary to decorate the human body with different shapes and colors. Galda has become accustomed to prolonging the life of the protective shell by drawing tattoos on the body (inserting various dyes under the skin). The feathers of various birds, the teeth of slaughtered animals, the bones, the hair, along with performing various symbolic functions, also protected the body. Over time, he invented artificial fixation methods on the ears, nose, lips, and mouth in order to abstract a large part of his body, and began to use them as ornaments.
It is the body painting and tattoos that we have just mentioned that were the first forms of clothing, and even when clothes made of fabric appeared, they did not go unnoticed. Now they have appeared as a certain element of the dress, fulfilling the task of giving it beauty and aesthetic value.
In time, mankind invented spinning and weaving, and tattoos on the body began to take on a decorative function.
In historical clothing, the ornament represented not only the social origin of its owner, i.e. its class, but also the figurative meaning as well as the aesthetic taste of the people. As time went on, they improved, their species multiplied, and their forms became more complex. In particular, there are types of them that can be taken off, fastened to the body (bracelets, rings, bracelets, fastened to the fabric or embroidered (embroidered, printed, embossed).
The main types of clothing during the primitive community system
Ancient Egyptian dress
Ancient Greek dress
Ancient Roman dress
Ancient Russian dress
Byzantine dress
Western European dress in the Middle Ages
The Renaissance is the dress of the Renaissance
Italian dress
Spanish dress
Western European dress. XV-XVI centuries
Seventeenth-century clothing
French dress
Eighteenth-century European clothing
XIX century clothing
Dress 1800-1825. Ampir services
Dress 1830-1860. A drastic change in fashion
Dress 1870-1890
The development of fashion in the 10-20s of the twentieth century
The development of world fashion in the 20-30s of the twentieth century
Fashion in the 30s and 40s of the twentieth century
World fashion in the 50s and 60s of the twentieth century
Fashion of the 70s of the XX century
Fashion of the 80s of the XX century
Fashion of the 90s of the XX century and conceptual trends of world fashion in the early XXI century
Persian dress
Arabic dress
Indian clothing
Chinese dress
Japanese clothes
Kazakh dress
Kyrgyz dress
Tajik clothes
Turkmen dress
Tashkent-Fergana dress
Bukhara-Samarkand dress
Kashkadarya-Surkhandarya dress
Khorezm dress Ceremonial clothes
SOURCE: nationalcha.uz

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