Uzbek national costumes WORLD OF CLOTHES


Uzbek national costumes


The costumes of the peoples of Central Asia have a centuries-old history. Although each ethnic group has its own distinctive headgear, the presence of sarpo in the general character of the ethnoses living in the region indicates that their historical destiny and culture have been close for a long time. Ancient large murals found in archeological excavations, images on various objects, medieval book miniatures provide rich information about the clothes of our ancestors in the past. Medieval miniatures show that a type of Uzbek clothing was formed and preserved until the next period. Changes in old folk costumes are mainly noticeable at the beginning of the century, and the transformation in it is most pronounced in cities.

Modern Uzbek sarpos are of a modern type, especially characterized by the influx of European clothing. National costumes are kept more regularly in the countryside, in separate women's sarpos. Most of the city’s residents dress in European style.

Traditional Uzbek clothing consisted mainly of a top shirt, a robe, a head scarf, kalish-maxi and ethics. Such dresses are sewn in a simple way, sometimes without scissors and without a pattern, from a single piece of fabric. They folded a piece of fabric in half and sewed a shirt with two sleeves across the shoulder and a piece of rectangular brick.

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