Peach cake


Required products: 3 eggs for cake biscuit, 75 gr. sugar, 75 gr. flour, a teaspoon of baking powder, starch. 500 ml for the filling. sour cream, 50 gr. white chocolate, 800 gr. peaches, powdered sugar, 30 gr. waffles, 1 box gelatin, 380 ml. water.

Preparation: The eggs are whipped in a mixer with sugar. Add flour, starch, baking powder and mix gently, then put into a special mold. Bake in a preheated gas oven at 180 degrees for 30 minutes.

For the stuffing, the waffles and chocolate are removed from the grater. Peaches are cut into small rectangular shapes. The cream is then mixed with peaches, powdered sugar, grated chocolate and waffles.

Divide the cooled biscuit in half, sprinkle with sugary water on top of the first slice and add the ingredients. Then put the second piece and pick peaches, cut in the shape of a crescent. Then the prepared gelatin in a separate bowl is poured evenly over the cake and put in the refrigerator for 2 hours.


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