Secrets of putting a child to sleep.


Secrets of putting a child to sleep. 😴🤱🏻
Putting a child to sleep is not an easy task. No matter how tired the child is, he often resists going to sleep. He wants to indulge his parents in games and other activities that are interesting to him.
Parents usually make 5 mistakes when putting a child to sleep. It is these mistakes that cause difficulties in putting the child to sleep.
1⃣ Putting the child to sleep too late.
Some parents do not have time to put the child to sleep on time, sometimes school-age children do not have time to play because of classes and clubs, so they get used to playing in the evening and going to bed late at night. Another type of parents prefers to put the child to bed very late, believing that the child will sleep better when he is more tired.
As a result, the child does not get enough sleep, and lack of sleep has a negative effect on the healthy growth and development of the child. On the other hand, wars and quarrels with the child due to sleeping will tire both parties.
Solution: make it a habit to put the child to bed earlier at the same time every day. A child who goes to bed early wakes up early and is refreshed during the day and does not get nervous. A child who is used to going to bed at the same time every day will gradually get used to falling asleep at this time.
2⃣ Use of additional means for sleeping.
Putting the child to sleep with a cartoon is probably a situation that many people like. Parents can do their daily activities while the child watches cartoons. Nowadays, in addition to television, mobile phones, radios, and various toys also act as sleep aids.
A child who is used to sleeping in this way is likely to experience insomnia when there is some stress in his life when he grows up and will have to resort to some artificial means to sleep.
Solution: When the child sleeps, he should learn to sleep in a quiet place, in the dark, without any distractions around him, without any electronic devices. Darkness with special night lights on for children is recommended, not total darkness for a child.
3⃣Not organizing a sleeping ceremony.
After playing, jogging or watching a cartoon, it is difficult for a child to close his eyes and fall asleep. It is necessary to slowly prepare him for sleep. There is no result in taking him out of his bed and telling him to sleep. The child is just nervous. Even adults need a bedtime ritual.
Solution: It is necessary to organize the same bedtime ritual every day. Rituals such as putting on night clothes, brushing teeth, listening to a bedtime story or wishing parents good night calm the child's nerves and help his body prepare for sleep. These rituals help the child to slowly get out of the active day and go to sleep.
A parent turns their child in the car to make him fall asleep. The child is rocking and falling asleep in the car. Another example is when a parent is physically active to tire their child out before bedtime so that he or she can sleep. Prints, jumps, etc. As a result, the child not only does not want to sleep, but also cannot sleep due to the increase of hormones responsible for activity in his body.
Solution: Activity does not make the child sleep. It is necessary to reduce any physical activity before sleep. Soothing games, conversation or reading are the most comfortable activities before bedtime.
5⃣Not sleeping in one place.
Most adults can't sleep well if they find themselves sleeping anywhere other than their bed. Don't forget that children are like that too. A child who sleeps in his sister's room one day, on a blanket one day, and on the couch the next day, always has trouble falling asleep.
Solution: The child should have his own sleeping place. He should only sleep in this place. Then this place can awaken the sleep reflex in him. A child who sleeps every day in a clean, cozy, non-distracting sleeping place will get used to falling asleep when he enters the place.

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