Secrets of raising twins


Secrets of raising twins

Among naturally born children, twins are very rare. The birth of twins is a wonderful miracle, but it requires great strength and patience from the parents.

✅The following tips can help you raise twins:

1. Plan and procedure. It is very difficult when one baby is born in the family. What if there are two or more? In that case, the parent should try to combine the feeding and sleeping cycles of the twins. Gradually the twins get used to it. Babies quickly get used to the arrangement. What matters is the parent’s approach to it. The order and plan should be carried out slowly and kindly.

2. Both babies can be breastfed at the same time. Of course, breastfeeding two babies requires a great deal of skill. Therefore, one can be placed on the breast and the other can be breastfed from a bottle with breast milk. It is important that both babies are next to the mother. But in the next breastfeeding, the babies take turns, that is, one is bottle-fed and one is breast-fed.

3. Sleep in one place. Twins sleep better if they sleep in the same place since infancy. The sleep of one "infects" the other. In addition, the twins must be carried in a twin cart. Not in a separate car.

4. Twins are often born prematurely due to problems with their respiratory (lung) system. We need to pay more attention to this.

5. Diseases of twins are easily transmitted to each other. If one baby becomes ill, the other should be kept as far away from him as possible. Although this does not prevent the disease 100%, it can reduce the risk.

6. Although the twins are the same, they are very different! Never compare twins. It is wrong to say, "Brother is like that, brother is not like that." Encourage them to have different interests and worldviews in the future as well. Don’t bring the two into a rhythm. They can never be the same, and so is their beauty!

7. Growing twins becomes easier year after year. If at first it is very difficult for a parent with twins, over the years it will be easier for a parent with twins than for a parent with one child. This period comes after their 2 years.

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