The traditional rules for raising a child are as follows:


The traditional rules for raising a child are as follows:

🚶‍♂Travel every day and in any weather (with some exceptions).
😖😑Don't force yourself to eat.
🏃‍♂🏋‍♂⛹‍♂🏇 Encourage any exercise - any interest and any play in which the child actively moves is appropriate.
🏕In any case, take the child out of the city, into the bosom of nature.
❎Effort to reduce contact with household chemicals.
🤓Reasonable placement of activities that require mental labor (if the child is sick for a long time and often, in fact, maybe 2-3 circles that you wrote him down may be redundant).
🏞Keeping a healthy climate in the children's room - with a moderate temperature and sufficient humidity.
🏋‍♂🏄‍♂If you want - do a set of simple exercise routines with the kids on a regular basis.

Of course, creating such a lifestyle requires serious efforts from parents: after all, both the father and the mother have to "get out of the hot spot" to take the child to the forest or the river all day long. settings are coming…

🏆But the result is even more pleasant than it seems - not only the child, but the whole family will be healthy!

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