I have 1 child. I want my child to be smart, intelligent. Is it possible to develop intelligence in my child?
I am not mistaken in saying that this question is one of the most frequently asked questions in my practice.
How intelligence emerges:
- 35% from parents through genes
- 20% of mothers during pregnancy
- Scientists have found that 45% of children are formed after birth according to the growth environment.
Based on this information, if you want a smart girl or boy, you should start by choosing a spouse. For this, if you want a smart boy to be born, you have to try to choose a smart woman, if you want a smart girl to be born, you have to try to choose a wise man.
Step 1 is set, that is, you have chosen the right spouse. Subsequent work will continue with an emphasis on perinatal pedagogy (maternal upbringing).
During pregnancy, it is recommended to eat a healthy diet (eating for Muslims in accordance with the sunnah), saturated with vitamins Mg, Mn, B and D for the development of the brain. The mother herself reads a lot of books (sometimes aloud), listens to and reads the Qur'an (for Muslims), solves various logical problems, and enjoys soothing melodies for the body and brain (from the music listened to by the fetal mother). Listening, being more in the bosom of nature, engaging in useful science, keeping one's psyche in harmony are also factors that have a positive effect on a child's mind.
The hardest part of the job has come when you can use 25% and 35% to make the child smart. This is to create an intellectual environment that is 45%. When a child is born, the development of his intellect depends in many ways on the parents, the conditions they create for their child, the love, the time they spend with their children.
Scientists point out that the impact of parental behavior on a child’s emotional and personal development is extremely high.
A similar experiment was conducted by two scientists at the University of California. Twelve newborn twins (genetically identical) were divided into 12 groups of mice. But at the end of the experiment, there was a difference in their behavior. That is, the mice in group 2 were not allowed to get out of the cage and explore the surroundings. Those who looked after them were only busy with them during the meal. Group 1 was placed in a cage in a bright, noisy laboratory. Inside the cages were ladders, various games for mice. For half an hour each day, mice were allowed to play out of the cage. Mice were rewarded with 2 sugar after each learned movement. This experiment lasted 1 days.
Which group of mice do you think was properly “bred”?
Yes, yes, of course in Group 2! When the two groups of mice were put together, those in group 2 were found to be more intelligent than those in group 1 (larger brain size, more brain traces, heavier, and more brain cells).
Experiments have shown that white mice fed under pressure develop the ability to solve a number of problems, as well as changes in the anatomy with chemical properties in their brains.
If a parent also creates certain conditions for his child to grow up without pressure, without pressure, if he supports him to invent something new, he can make his child more intelligent!