Apple diet


Apple diet is one of the most common diets that cleanse the body and get rid of excess weight. Because losing weight using apples is very effective. You will gain 7 kg in 7 days with this diet. You can lose up to However, a strong will is required to achieve such a result.

7-day diet
First day: 1 kg of apples.
Second day: 1,5 kg.
Third day: 2 kg.
Fourth day: 2 kg.
Fifth day: 1,5 kg.
Sixth day: 1,5 kg.
Seventh day: 1 kg.

During this diet you can drink any amount of green tea and still water. In addition, this diet is not limited to what color, as well as the spread of sweet or sour apples. You have the right to eat apples of the variety and color you like. One more thing: from the fifth day of the diet, you can add 1-2 loaves of black bread to your daily diet.

An apple diet can be harmful to patients with certain chronic diseases.
- Patients with duodenal ulcers should not eat sour apples!
- Those who suffer from peptic ulcer can not eat sweet apples!
- In diseases of the heart and blood vessels, 1 g of sugar should be added to 100 kg of apples.

The only downside to the apple diet is that some people can only eat apples for two weeks, while others start to feel unwell from day one. Each organism requires a different approach. That is, if an apple has a positive effect on one organism, it can have a negative effect on another. Therefore, be sure to consult your doctor before using this diet!

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