Sir Charles Spencer about "Charlie" Chaplin


Sir Charles Spencer "Charlie" Chaplin (April 16, 1889 - December 1977, 25) was an English comedian, director, composer, and one of the most important figures of the silent film era. CHAPLIN - American actor, director, screenwriter, producer . He began his career in 1897 performing on the stages of the music hall. From 1907 to 1912 F. Carnot worked in the pantomime theater. During a tour of the United States in 1913, he signed a contract with the Kistoun Film Company and began filming under the direction of M. Sennett. New aspects of Chaplin's skill were revealed in such films as "The Dog Lies, the Mirza Stands," "On the Shoulder," "The Sunny Side," and "Little One." Chaplin's masterpieces were The Golden Madness, The Circus, The Lights of the Big City, The Great Dictator, The Messiah Verdu, and The Light of the Ramp (1952, Oscar-winning film).

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