Spasmophilia is a seizure disorder in children


👶🏻 Spasmophilia is a seizure disorder in children
♻️ Spasmophilia (spasmophilia) is a disease associated with rickets, which is observed in children with seizures and spastic convulsive syndrome that occur during the first 6-18 months of life. The disease is more common in boys. The disease is also more common in the spring. There are two forms of spasmophilia, which can be overt or covert. The disease is accompanied by convulsions, seizures, laryngospasm, shortness of breath, fainting. In some cases, the disease can lead to serious cases if the patient is not provided with emergency medical care in a timely manner. Prolonged seizures can lead to damage to the central nervous system and leave the child mentally retarded. Spasmophilia occurs due to acute hypocalcemia (calcium -1,7 mmol / less) due to electrolyte imbalance and alkalosis in the body. Rapid, almost sudden increase in the amount of active metabolite of vitamin D in the blood, or such a situation occurs when receiving large amounts of vitamin D2 or D3, as well as long-term exposure to ultraviolet light in areas with high levels of radiation on bare skin. Hypocalcemia also occurs when the thyroid gland is dysfunctional, when intestinal absorption of calcium is reduced, or when large amounts of calcium are excreted in the urine. In addition, convulsive syndrome often develops in children when the amount of magnesium, sodium, chlorides, B1 and B6 drugs in the blood decreases. Spasmophilia is characterized by laryngospasm, vascular spasms of the toe muscles and leg muscles, convulsions.
🔰 In laryngospasm, the patient has shortness of breath due to narrowing of the vocal folds, noisy breathing, bruising, intense fear, cold sweats, swallowing air, short-term fainting. At the end of the laryngospasm attack, breathing is gradually restored, then the child quickly falls asleep. In vascular spasms of the arms and legs, the shoulders stick to the body, the fingers are clenched into fists - I-IV, V fingers are bent, II and III fingers are open (obstetric hand symptom). Vascular cramps (spasms) of the arm and leg muscles can be observed from a few minutes to several minutes, from hours to days, while dressing the child. Severe swelling of the soles of the feet and paws is also observed. Clonico-tonic seizures (eclampsia) are the least common and unpleasant form of spasmophilia. The onset of clonic-tonic convulsions in a child involves the contraction of all muscles. Mimicry begins with muscle spasms and includes arm and leg spasms, shortness of breath, and respiratory rhythm disturbances. At this the child begins to bruise, loses consciousness. Foam appears on the lips and a separation of feces and urine is observed. In prolonged convulsions, body temperature rises. Convulsions can last from a few minutes to several hours. At this time, the heart or breathing may stop. Clonic convulsions are observed in children under one year of age, and only tonic muscle contractions are observed in older children. In the first six months of childhood, eclampsia is accompanied by laryngospasm, and in the second half of the year, arm and leg muscle spasms are observed.
🔅 In latent spasmophilia, the child is very restless, there are tremors in the legs, tremors in the jaw, disturbances in respiratory rhythm. In such cases, it is necessary to determine the balance of calcium, phosphorus, acids and bases in the blood. One of the characteristic symptoms of occult spasmophilia is observed when the eye and the corner of the lip are pulled when the finger is touched. Biochemical examination of the blood also helps to detect hypocalcemia, hyperphosphatemia, and alkalosis.
Source © @pediatronline

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