Spring allergy - pollinosis


Pollinosis (seasonal allergic rhinoconjunctivitis), caused by an allergic reaction to plant pollen, can occur at any age. Unfortunately, allergies do not go away over time, and every year during the flowering season, the plants become uncomfortable.

Pollinosis is characterized by discharge from the nose, colds, itchy nose, sneezing, swelling and redness of the mucous membranes of the eyes and eyelids, and tears. In children, tinnitus and pain may occur. Bronchial asthma attacks occur in one in five patients, shortness of breath, and thick mucus builds up in the bronchi.
To protect against pollen from allergenic plants, we recommend that you follow some tips as soon as the flowering period begins: Wash your hair every night. Rinse your hair thoroughly in water. This is because the pollen particles of the plants stick to the hair. During the day (especially after coming from the street), wash your nose and eyes as often as possible and rinse your mouth with clean water. Ventilate the room at night, when it is raining or as soon as it stops. This is because the pollen concentration of plants in the air is low at this time. Therefore, it is better to go for a walk in the evening or after the rain. If possible, do not go outside when the weather is dry and the wind is blowing.
Do not dry clothes and sheets outdoors and outdoors. Use "hypoallergenic" household chemicals. When you go outside, wear a hat and sunglasses to protect your head and eyes from pollen. When driving, do not open the windows at all, and do not go out for a walk and rest in nature until the end of the flowering period of allergenic plants.
If you develop allergy symptoms each year during the flowering period, you will need to see an allergist for a definitive diagnosis. After a skin test, your allergist will determine the type of plant you are allergic to and prescribe the antihistamine you need. There is also a stronger form of treatment, which is to get rid of allergies for several years by injecting them into the body. When the symptoms of pollinosis are not severe, such as when the disease is mild, doctors recommend taking a new generation of over-the-counter antihistamines. They relieve the symptoms of allergies, do not cause drowsiness. These remedies are taken when needed, both before meals and after meals.
Shoista SAIDOVA, specialist, pedagogue.

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