Stages of child speech development


Stages of child speech development (from 1 to 7 years)
A child's speech develops gradually after the age of 1. Each stage has its own achievement.
1 year 3 months
The child knows about 6 words. Can understand simple requirements, show familiar words in a picture.
1 year 6 months
Can say 1-2 parts of his body, knows 7-20 words.
1 year 9 months
Says 3-4 parts of the body. Knows 20 words. Uses two-word phrases ("give tea", "came to the island")
2 yosh
At this age, a child can tell 5 parts of the body. Knows about 50 words. Understands two-step phrases (“go to the kitchen”, “bring a towel”). Understands words like “I”, “You”, “He”. The phrase consists of two words. can say the letters p, b, m, f, v, t, d, n, k, g, h. usually leaves the letters s, z, sh, j, ch, r, l.
2 year 6 months
Begins to understand numbers. "What?", "Where?" understands the questions. can say the letters s, z, l.
3 yosh
The child's vocabulary is 250-700. The phrase consists of several words. He knows the plural. Can use the words “because”, “if”, “when”. Understands difficult requirements (“Put a spoon in the bowl”). He hears and understands light fairy tales.
4 yosh
Can use words like “how much”, “instead”, “then”, “where” in phrases. Vocabulary up to 1500-2000. The "childish" softening of the letters disappears.
5 yosh
The child's vocabulary reaches 2500-3000. Can say all the letters in the language fluently. Can express himself / herself using difficult phrases. Speaks without changing the order of the letters in the word.
5 to 7 years of age
By age 7, a child’s vocabulary will be close to 3500. This increases the number of impressive words. The child's attention to language increases. Have the ability to evaluate the environment verbally. The child's psychological condition prepares him for school.

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