Development of premature babies


Development of premature babies

In fact, premature births are those in which the baby is born before 37 weeks. In humans, the normal gestation period is 38 to 42 weeks. Under perfect conditions, children remain in the mother's womb until they are fully developed. However, this is not always the case for a variety of reasons.

Every day or every week that a baby is in the womb, significant changes occur in its size, height, and development. Not all of them are visible, but that doesn't make them any less important.
Premature birth is associated with a number of problems that need to be carefully monitored by health and development. It is important to keep in mind that each child is unique and that complications can vary, even if two children are born at the same time.

Similarly, the timely delivery of a child does not guarantee that there will be no complications. Every pregnancy and motherhood is unique.

The earlier a baby is born, the more likely he or she is to have health and developmental problems. That is why it is important for all mothers to receive early follow-up and proper prenatal care, as well as monitoring. This is especially important for high-risk mothers.

Children fall into the following categories of classification

  • Very premature birth - less than 25 weeks old at birth
  • Relatively premature birth - around 32-35 weeks of age
  • Premature birth - the age of the child is 34-37 weeks

About 85% of premature births occur at 32 weeks of gestation. Currently, about 15 million children (10 in 1) are born prematurely each year.

Standard problems with premature births:

  • Low birth weight - normal weight at birth is about 3500 grams / 3,5 kg
  • Difficulty breathing, especially at less than 28 weeks. Premature babies often have apnea attacks, in which the baby becomes short of breath
  • Bradycardia or slow heart rhythm (heart and respiratory medications may be prescribed)
  • Jaundice - due to underdevelopment of the liver
  • Low levels of calcium and glucose in the blood
  • Insufficiently developed organs or body systems
  • Difficulties in breastfeeding and digestive problems
  • Delay in starting breastfeeding
  • Long stay in the hospital
  • High risk of developing infections and low immunity
  • Difficulties in thermoregulation
  • Pediatric cerebral palsy
  • Sight and hearing problems
  • Mental retardation and learning difficulties
  • Premature births are a high risk of developing emotional background and behavioral problems in childhood and adolescence.
  • Potential problems with emotional attachment and contact
    In some cases, premature babies die because they are not fully developed.

Common long-term problems of preterm birth:

  • Respiratory tract infections
  • Prone to asthma
  • High need for frequent hospitalization
  • High risk of developing sudden infant death syndrome

Why does premature birth occur?

The cause is often unknown, but in some cases it can be identified:

  • There have been studies that suggest that the increase in maternal obesity, both before and during pregnancy, has contributed to an increase in the number of premature births in recent years.
  • Auxiliary methods of insemination increase the number of multiple pregnancies and allow infants to be fertilized. Similar factors have led to an increase in the number of premature births.
  • In some cases, a woman has a miscarriage, and it continues despite attempts by doctors to stop or eliminate the process.
  • Certain aspects of the mother's health may be the cause of the mother's risk. In this case, it is safer to give birth prematurely than to be in the womb.
  • Here it is necessary to carefully consider the health benefits of the child and the risks of premature birth.

Can I continue with normal delivery?

Premature babies can be born through both vaginal birth and cesarean section. If the mother has a ruptured membranes around the fetus (water loss) and no other complications, she can give birth naturally. However, if there are fears that the vaginal birth may be too traumatic or difficult for the baby due to immaturity, a cesarean section may be performed.

Risk factors for premature birth

  • Premature birth in the anamnesis
  • Gestational diabetes
  • Arterial hypertension and / or arterial hypotension caused by pregnancy
  • Multiple births
  • Birth of four or more children
  • Injuries
  • Satellite premature ejaculation, satellite displacement, or satellite insufficiency
  • Maternal obesity
  • Cervical or uterine pathology
  • Acute maternal diseases
  • Premature rupture of the membranes around the fetus

Respiratory problems syndrome

This is a common factor in premature births and is caused by an underdeveloped lung. The more the baby is underdeveloped, the more likely he or she is to develop respiratory distress syndrome or RDS. A substance called a surfactant begins to be produced at about 28 weeks, and babies born before this time have more breathing problems. The surfactant helps to keep the alveolar sacs in the baby's lungs open even when they are not large enough; The airways are not able to properly exchange oxygen and carbon dioxide.

Children who experience RDS have a higher risk of developing asthma at an early age.

What does corrugated age mean?

In the medical field, the standard term "corrected age" is used when a child is born prematurely. For example, if a child is born 10 weeks premature, the adjusted age is 30 weeks. Until a child reaches the age of two, his weight, dizziness, and height are usually taken into account. After this period, the parameters of such children are assessed on an equal footing with their peers.

Studies show that the majority of premature babies reach school-age children of the same age. Their upbringing may take longer, they need more practice and support, but as a result, most of them reach the appropriate level of development.

What are the prospects for premature babies?

And again, this depends on the number of insufficient weeks and the birth weight of the child. The survival rate of a baby born at 24 weeks is approximately 58%, although by 32 weeks the rate is 97% or higher.

Many large maternity hospitals in the capital have specialized intensive care units for infants. Caring for premature babies requires a highly qualified approach, involving medical and nursing staff. It is important to keep the baby warm in the incubator, and to give fluids and antibiotics frequently.
If the child is too young to breathe independently, a nasal or oral tube is inserted into the trachea, which passes down the trachea (breathing tube). The ventilator regularly delivers oxygen to the lungs to allow the baby to breathe.

A premature baby can also be equipped with a monitor that monitors heart rate and temperature, and a dropper can be placed on the arm or navel. Staff should be provided with special alarms to warn them of any changes in the child's condition.

Some children have to stay in special wards or intensive care units for many weeks. If the baby is born prematurely, it is likely to be hospitalized for several months.

With proper care, premature babies are more likely to live healthy and full lives. Early detection and treatment of developmental delays can ensure good results for both children and their parents.

All infant departments have follow-up assessment programs and processes. Depending on the degree of infertility, the child should be examined regularly throughout childhood. A team of physicians is involved in the care of the unborn child, including pediatricians, neonatologists, nurses, physiotherapists, occupational therapists and speech therapists, as well as dietitians.

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