Synonyms (Synonyms)


SAnonymouss (Meaningful words)
  1. Synonyms and their causes.
  2. Types of synonyms.
  3. Synonymous series and the position of words in it.
Basic words and phrases
1. synonym 11. phraseological synonymy
2. synonymy 12. doublet
  1. meaning 13. meaning synonyms
  2. synonymy 14. ideographic synonyms
  3. absolute synonyms 15. complete synonyms
  4. semantic synonyms 16. stylistic synonyms
  5. contextual synonyms 17. dominanta (main) word
  6. stylistic synonyms 18. speech synonyms
  7. dictionary synonymy 19. negative paint
  8. grammatical synonymy 20. positive dye
  1. Synonyms and their causes
The phenomenon of synonymy is considered one of the linguistic units that have been thoroughly studied in the Uzbek language. Especially in this regard, the services of our scientists such as A. Hojiyev, SH. Rakhmatullayev, A. Gulomov, E. Begmatov, YO. Tojiyev are great. The phenomenon of synonymy is one of the phenomena that the great Alisher Navoi took into account. Speaking about the expressive possibilities of the Turkish language, Navoi mentions that one meaning can be given by several words depending on its level or position, while the Persian-Tajik language does not have such a possibility. Aka, bro, aga, ini; points out that words such as sister, owner, and sister are rendered by the words brother and Khokhar in the Persian-Tajik language. It can be seen that there has been a great interest in the phenomenon of synonymy since ancient times.
The word synonymy is actually Greek synonym is derived from the word and gives the concept of a name with the same meaning.
Words that are pronounced and written differently, but have similar meanings, are called synonyms. For example; heavy, restrained, heavy. Synonyms are found in all word groups.
Synonyms: house, yard, plot, door.
Adjective synonyms: uzoq, distant, scholar
Pronoun synonyms: u,sha
Verb synonyms; to whisper
Synonyms: then, after
Auxiliary words: however, but, but
The fact that lexical units are mutually synonymous is called lexical synonymy. Sky, sky, blue, space, universe, blue such as.
Lexical synonymy can also be divided into three types.
  1. a) lexical synonymy- words that have the same meaning according to their original meaning: slowly, slowly, gently;
  2. b) phraseological synonyms -synonymous words in the stable compound state: like a dumb dog chasing two legs and lung in hand;
  3. v) lexical — phraseological synonyms-lexeme-phrase words with similar meaning: happy - his mouth is in his ear, silent - like a mouse biting his mouth
The following may be the reason for the appearance of synonyms.
  1. Due to the widening or narrowing of the meaning of the word. For example, the word blue changed from the meaning of color to express the meaning of the sky as a result of its development, and became its synonym. For example: Don't put it on the ground boq.
  2. Synonyms can also appear as a result of borrowing words from dialects based on internal possibilities. Hat - cap - kallapush - pillow; ladder - shoti - zangi and so on.
  3. It is a very common phenomenon that foreign words become synonyms of the actual word. In particular, history has proven to us that words borrowed from Arabic, Persian-Tajik and Russian languages ​​become synonymous with Uzbek words and each other.
For example, in Turkish God instead of the word "God" from the Persian-Tajik language, from the Arabic language Allah mastered. Lord, Creator, Lord, Supreme Spirit terms such as We can give as many examples as we want.
The emergence of synonyms is a legitimate phenomenon for every living language. They expand the expressive possibilities of the language, beautify the speech. As some linguists have pointed out, the phenomenon of synonymy is considered one of the beneficial rather than harmful phenomena.
  1. Types of synonyms
When evaluating synonyms, it is useful to follow the three basic criteria.
  1. According to the edge of meaning. Although the synonyms are close to each other in terms of meaning, in some places one of them cannot be used in place of the other. Based on this aspect, they are full synonyms, that is, partial synonyms in which one can be used instead of the other. (lazy, lazy, lazy)to and semantic synonyms (ran, ran)divide into Spiritual synonyms are distinguished from each other by subtleties of inner meaning. They cannot be used interchangeably in the text. Spiritual synonyms are also called ideographic synonyms.
In some literature, synonyms that can be used instead of one without damaging the meaning are classified as absolute synonyms, and semantic synonyms as semantic synonyms.
  1. Synonyms can be divided into certain types in terms of methodological evaluation.
If the synonyms are stylistically different from each other, they are called stylistic or stylistic synonyms. Methodological assessment is in two directions. The synonyms included in the first direction have stylistic neutrality: he left such as. In the second type of synonyms, stylistic features are observed: laughs, smiles, grins, grins.
The stylistic feature, in turn, is divided into two: a) synonyms with a positive evaluation: face, face, face; b) synonyms with negative value: Turkish, aft, Bashara.
III. Synonyms can be divided into certain types in terms of speech characteristics. a) universal lexeme - synonyms that can be used in all forms of speech: person, person, person; b) colloquial synonyms or dialectal synonyms: hit, ment, uncle (policeman)  c) synonyms specific to official speech: dismissed, released such as.
Together with this, contextual synonyms such as poet, writer, writer, which can be used instead of one in the text in our language, grammatical synonyms such as -sh (-ish), -v (-uv), -moq, -mak (borish - boruv - to go) is also found.
So, synonyms can be approached from different angles and divided into different types.
  1. Synonymous series and the position of words in it
Each language may develop its own series of synonyms for one reason or another over the centuries. A line of synonymous words is called a line of synonyms.
A word that is actively used in relation to others in the synonymous line, characteristic of the literary language, and considered stylistically neutral, is called a dominant word, that is, a main word. For example: the word "look" in the synonymy line "to look", "to feed", "to look", "to look" is widely used compared to others. Therefore, it is considered a dominant word.
The following requirements are imposed on the dominant (head) word in the synonymous line.
  1. The dominant word must express a clear meaning: the word victory in the synonymy line of victory, victory, celebration, victory has a clear meaning.
  2. The dominant word in the synonymous line must be free of dialectal features and used in a literary - orthographic form. The verb to do is close to common usage compared to the verbs to pass and freeze.
  3. Dominant word should not be stylistic. If we use the word "wrong" as "strange" or "catchok", a stylistic evaluation is added.
A dominant word differs sharply from other words in the line to which it belongs by being neutral, widely used, and free from dialect and stylistic features.
The word to help, to help, to look after, to feed, to help in the synonymy line has this feature.
The dominant word can take different forms.
  1. a) in the form of a root lexeme: power, power, mador, majol, darmoya;
  2. b) in the case of artificial lexeme; zeal, effort, diligence.
  3. c) in the form of phrasal verbs: to raise the nose, to swell the throat, to not know what to do.
In our language, doublet words are used together with synonymous words.
Lexical units that can be used in place of one without objection are called doublet words. For example: chemistry - chemistry, grajdan - citizen, judge - referee, besh - excellent, etc.
Doublet words are a characteristic phenomenon in the language for a certain period. In particular, as a result of current social changes, doublet words in the form of billet-ticket, prospect-street, station-shohbekat are being used a lot. As a result of language development, one of them may gradually become passive and fall out of use.
 Questions and assignments.
  1. What is a synonym?
  2. Define lexical synonymy.
  3. Give examples of grammatical synonyms.
  4. What do you mean by absolute synonyms?
  5. Give examples of stylistic (methodical) synonyms.
  6. What are the synonyms of ideographic synonyms?
  7. Explain the concept of synonymous series.
  8. What is the dominant word?
  9. Define negative connotation in synonyms.
10. What kind of words are doublet words? Give examples of phraseological synonyms.
  1. U. Tursunov and others. Current Uzbek literary language. Tashkent. 1992. pp. 107-120.
  2. Lexicology of the Uzbek language. Tashkent. SCIENCE. 1984. pp. 235-255.
  3. H. Nematov, R. Rasulov. Basics of system lexicology of the Uzbek language. Tashkent. Teacher. 1995. pp. 105-121.
  4. A. Hajiyev. Dictionary of Uzbek language synonyms. Tashkent. Teacher. 1974.

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