#The human body needs to be alert during the day and sleep at night. A healthy night's sleep is important for gaining strength. Sometimes drowsiness is observed throughout the day, and this is the norm.
# Frequent recurrence and persistence of drowsiness can be a sign of problems in the human body and can lead to serious consequences.

#Constant drowsiness has two unpleasant and dangerous characteristics:

#It leads to a dangerous decline in quality of life: negligence in a state of drowsiness leads to accidents and injuries, decreased productivity, mood swings, decreased energy-positive tone.

# Indicates a disorder of vital organs: insomnia and sleep disorders, among other types, indicate physiological diseases and pathology of the nervous system, means depression.

#The trigger for mood and active state recovery requires identifying the cause of the drowsiness and eliminating it.

#Is constant drowsiness normal?

#Constant drowsiness is also observed in healthy organisms in the following cases:

# On extremely hot, cloudy, or rainy days;

# In airy and low-lit rooms;

#In women on some days of the menstrual cycle and during pregnancy.

#In other cases, it is necessary to determine the cause of daytime sleepiness using certain special diagnostic methods.

#Why do you always sleep?

#The answer to this question can be summarized in the following groups:

#Sleep disturbances (insomnia at night, night apnea-respiratory arrest);

#Narcolepsy (Jelino's disease) is a rare disease characterized by sudden onset of sleep attacks;

#Seasonal affective disorders - (explained by a decrease in the mood hormone serotonin and an increase in the sleep hormone melotonin due to a decrease in the light period of the day in the autumn-winter season;

#Somatic diseases - as the ancients said, "the disease is cured by sleep", the body requires forced sleep.