What are the causes of sleep disorders in children?


What are the causes of sleep disorders in children?
2️⃣Nose breathing disorder
3️⃣Vitamin D3 deficiency
4️⃣Lactose deficiency
5️⃣Moro reflexes
This is a movement reflex, i.e. when there is noise, the child spreads his arms and legs when the situation changes quickly and then returns to his original position again. If a child suddenly spreads his arms while sleeping, he may wake up.
6️⃣Posttonic reflexes
Usually the baby sits from the age of six months, trying to get up. Sometimes a strong urge to sit or stand can trigger a "signal" in the baby's brain to sit or stand. As a result, the child may sit up or stand up and wake up. At this time, the child should be calmed down and put to bed.

Source © @Tips_to_young_mothers

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