Is there a risk of natural complications after a cesarean section?


Is there a risk of natural complications after a cesarean section? The expert answers
🤰🏻Most women think that natural childbirth is not possible after cesarean section. In fact, this is not the case, as experience gained in world medicine confirms that 60 to 85 percent of natural births after cesarean section are normal.
MutaxassisExpert obstetrician-gynecologist Natalya Kan will answer the questions of pregnant women about cesarean section and natural childbirth.
Pregnancy after cesarean section should be two years later
Indeed, it is recommended not to rush into pregnancy after a cesarean section. Having a baby after about 2 years is good for both mother and baby. But a scar appears 2 months after the surgery. If pregnancy is observed in a short period of time, there is no need to worry too much. This should be reported to a doctor and monitored regularly.
The cesarean scar does not stretch, so re-pregnancy is always a risk
❗️When a scar appears in the uterus after a cesarean section, smooth muscle fibers may appear at the incision site and the subsequent organ enlargement will not be damaged. However, if a scar of connective tissue also appears, it will not stretch well, and in this case, doctors will report scarring of the uterus. In general, the doctor knows more about pregnancy and childbirth and also knows more about future births. It is very important for the specialist how long the cesarean section was performed, how the recovery process went, what medications are taken. If possible, it is best to monitor the pregnancy period with a doctor who is well versed in the woman’s medical history.
Natural childbirth after cesarean section is no different from normal childbirth
If a woman who has had a cesarean section wants to have a natural birth, she should wait for the natural process. Pre-hospitalization is now available in hospitals. The expectant mother can be in the hospital without any treatment and wait for the day of delivery under the supervision of a doctor.
☝️If a woman is not at risk of scarring after a cesarean section, there is nothing to prevent a natural birth
A woman’s natural birth after a cesarean section is crucial. It is important to keep in mind that natural childbirth has a number of problems, even if a cesarean section has not occurred before. That is, the fetus may have a transverse or curved position and other difficulties. In the absence of contraindications, complications occur naturally. If complications occur, the method of delivery should be resolved in a timely manner.
If a woman has a chance of a natural birth, but the woman wants a cesarean section, surgery will be performed
This situation is even becoming a tradition. In some countries, cesarean section is performed only for medical reasons. When relative guidelines are available, physicians discuss all details with the patient and consider the possible consequences very carefully. It takes into account all aspects of motherhood, childhood and future pregnancies. After that, a decision will be made.
There is a very long and painful rehabilitation after a cesarean section
There is no need to be afraid of cesarean section. Today, surgeries are performed in such a way that the mother and child can be discharged from the maternity ward in 3-4 days, and the recovery process is slower and easier than 10 years ago.

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