Stuttering is among children


Why does the child stutter?

♻️ Smoking is a common disease among children. I wanted to give information here about children who start stumbling out of extreme fear. A child who begins to speak at the age of one loses fluency in speech and begins to stutter before the age of 3 due to parental harshness, intimidation of the child, or confinement in a dark room (for parenting).

⚠️ Let me remind you. There are 7 centers in the brain that are responsible for speech. These centers develop and take shape by the age of 7 years. That is why stuttering is more common in children under 7 years of age. This means being very careful when communicating with children under this age, and never allowing behaviors that could cause serious damage to developing speech centers.

🔰 Who will treat the child?
If a child develops stuttering due to fear, he will be examined and treated by a pedagogue-psychologist and speech therapist. If a child develops speech disorders due to brain diseases (oligophrenia, brain injuries, etc.), he will be treated by a neuropathologist (neuropsychologist) or a medical psychologist. Here, too, a speech therapist (defectologist) must be involved in the treatment process. Only a speech therapist can teach you to pronounce words correctly. The child should be treated before reaching school age. Otherwise, if a speechless child starts attending school, his peers will call him "dumb" and the child will begin to develop other mental disorders.

Source © «Healthy child»

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