There are 4 main differences between Fiverr and UpWork.


There are 4 main differences between Fiverr and UpWork.

1. What do they want from you?

UpWork wants you to work on projects for a long time and keep customers longer.
Fiverr, on the other hand, wants you to do a lot of small projects. For example: 4-5 a day.

2. How much money does he take from you?

UpWork makes more money than Fiverr. The longer you work there, the less you pay, and in short-term projects, you lose relatively more money.
On Fiverr, it will always be the same price.

3. How to communicate with customers?

You open a profile on Fiverr and wait for customers to contact you.
At UpWork, you can find customers yourself and offer your service.

4. How to register?

UpWork is hard to access and sign up for. It asks you who you are, your picture and information are yours, what you can do, and what you do.
Anyone can register on Fiverr. The platform doesn’t care who he is or what he can do.

© Zafarbek Ibrahimov

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