Flu or cold: what's the difference?


Flu or cold: what's the difference?

Even doctors can make mistakes in differentiating the flu from a cold. Because their signs are very similar. A runny nose starts with a sore throat and a runny nose, followed by a cough. Cough may be dry or with phlegm. For several days, the throat hurts, the nose is blocked, the body temperature rises a little, fatigue, headaches are annoying.

Unlike a cold, the flu comes on suddenly and "goes into full swing." Its typical symptoms include headache, tingling in the joints, dry cough, sore throat, and sore throat. The body temperature rises to 41 degrees and chills. The patient feels general weakness, wants to sleep more.

Common cold symptoms will subside after a few days and disappear completely in about 1 week. Influenza lasts longer: a person is completely bedridden for 1 week. It will take several weeks to fully heal.

The German Standing Committee on Vaccination (STIKO) recommends annual influenza vaccination. Because it is very dangerous for people suffering from chronic diseases, pregnant women and people over 60 years old to catch the flu. Also, the commission believes that people who work with many people (for example, medical workers, people working in public organizations) should also be vaccinated.

When should antibiotics be taken?
Colds and flu are caused by viruses. Viruses are completely unaffected by antibiotics. Therefore, there is no point in accepting them.
Antibiotics have different effects on bacteria: they either completely destroy or prevent their development. For example, penicillins do not allow the synthesis of bacterial cells, as a result of which the cell bursts and the bacterium dies.

Based on this, it can be concluded that it is better to use antibiotics in bacterial infections. Sometimes they can also develop together with viruses. The bacterium enters the body through a weakened immune system. Diseases such as pneumonia, tonsillitis, cystitis, meningitis are usually caused by bacteria, and antibiotics should be used in such cases.

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