Eliminate unpleasant foot odor


Eliminate unpleasant foot odor

Lose the nutrient medium for bacteria.
Most of the bacteria that emit unpleasant odors are located under the nails and in the hardened parts of the skin. When washing your feet, be sure to rub the bottom of them with pumice, as well as apply nail polish remover and cut them short.

After washing the feet, wipe thoroughly between the toes.
Podologists recommend not only wiping the feet after taking a shower, but also between the toes, as the moisture left there can lead to the development of fungus.

Make tea for your feet.
The nutrients present in tea leaves kill bacteria and reduce sweating. Tea baths for the feet can be done every day. Infuse 1 teaspoons of tea in 3 liter of boiling water. Mix with 2 liters of cold water. Soak your feet in this mixture for 15-30 minutes.

Wash the inside of the socks by turning them over.
This method allows the fabric to be thoroughly cleaned of skin fragments and bacteria. Naturally, the material of the socks should also not be synthetic.

Walk barefoot at home or take off your socks to wear on the street.
Socks collect bacteria on the floor while walking. They begin to multiply when they fall into the wet environment of the shoe.

Use antiperspirant for the feet as well.
The chemicals in antiperspirants help reduce sweat secretion. Apply it on dry skin after taking an evening shower. Consult a doctor If, in addition to an unpleasant odor, itching and skin rash appear, consult a doctor. These symptoms may indicate diseases such as cutaneous tuberculosis, infectious inflammation, mycosis (a disease caused by parasitic fungi).

Disinfect shoes that smell bad.

Wash shoes thoroughly from the outside. Soak the bandages and patches in a solution of chlorhexidine (antiseptic). Wipe the inside surface of the shoe with a cotton swab dipped in chlorhexidine.

Keep shoes dry.

Of course, it’s a good idea to have 2 pairs of season-appropriate shoes to replace on a regular basis. However, if there is no second pair, but the boots are wet, the old tried method - crumpled newspaper sheets - will work. Put them in your shoes and the newspaper will absorb the total moisture throughout the night. An electric dryer can also be used.

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