Home treatment of children with coronavirus


Your child has been diagnosed with a coronavirus infection. How can it be treated at home?
Chief Physician of the Republican Specialized Scientific-Practical Medical Center of Pediatrics, Doctor of Medical Sciences Abdumannon ABDUKAYUMOV recommendations about it.
❗️The new strain of coronavirus is mild in most patients, especially children. It is mainly manifested by symptoms of fever, sore throat, runny nose, cough, headache.
❗️Loss of ability to taste and smell is almost non-existent. In some cases, children may also develop various rashes.
‼ ️No medication is recommended until the body temperature does not exceed 38,0 degrees in children under one year of age and 38,5 degrees in boys and girls over one year of age. In particular, antibiotics do not work at all in viral infections.
❗️When body temperature exceeds the above measurements, it is recommended to take ibuprofen or paracetamol. Fever-reducing candles can also be used for young children.
For children with coronavirus at home:
✅ Drink small amounts of fluids every hour for up to 3 days;
✅ Rich food and products are given to the patients,
✅ Take measures to sleep on time and in moderation and not to catch a cold,
✅Various vitamins are consumed.
During an illness in children:
🦠 shortness of breath,
🦠 sigh,
🦠 bruising of the edges of the lips,
🦠 weakness,
🦠 In case of symptoms of deep cough, inpatient treatment of the patient should be considered in consultation with the family doctor or local pediatrician.
At this point, we ask parents whose children have been diagnosed with COVID-19 to follow the doctor's advice without being overly anxious and confused.

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