Treatment of fungal diseases in women


💁‍♀ Treatment of fungal diseases in women…

Depending on the stage of the disease, the following treatment complexes are carried out:

In the first stage of the disease (if it started recently):
Cheaper option 😉
Syntomycin suppository 2 maxal 5 days and Clotrimazole suppository or ointment 1 maxal 10 days both drugs are administered equally…

👉 Or 2 options:

Metostil candle 1 maxal 4 days, and 5 days Klazin candle 1 maxal 3 days…

If the disease persists after treatment:
The vagina is cleansed with Miramistin pink liquid and Metostil suppository is administered 1 maxal every 4 days…

If the disease goes untreated (in this case, unpleasant odors begin to appear):
After using Miramistin before,
Clindasin ointment 1 maxal is used for 5 days or Klindabiox candle 1 maxal for 3 days (if these drugs are not found, they are Clindamycin-containing drugs).

⁉️ Attention
In addition to these courses of treatment, candles should be used to restore the microflora of women (for example: Bioselak candle 1 maxal 8 days)…

✅ You can read more about fungal diseases in women at the link below…