What should a real man look like?


A real man always knows what he is striving for. He has his own goal and a plan to achieve it. He knows what the priority is and allocates his time properly accordingly. She is deeply aware of the need for financial stability, family and a job she loves. Today Gooper.uzHere's what a real man should look like. Please!
A real man is not only physically but also mentally energetic.
He never complains, complains, or is suspicious. When he makes a decision, he follows it, he is able to adapt to any situation, depending on the situation. He is not afraid to admit when he is wrong, but rather hurries to correct his mistakes as soon as possible. He is responsible for what he says. He does not talk too much, is calm and composed. He is responsible for his family.
Protects the interests of family and loved ones.
His family includes not only his wife and children, but also his parents, brothers and sisters. They will be under the reliable protection of this man.
Such a man never gossips, brags, or speaks nonsense.
He does not get involved in nonsensical conversations and refrains from evaluating strangers.
He keeps his promise.
He does not overdo it so that it does not stick to his tongue. If he doesn’t see that he can do something, he doesn’t promise. He puts his honor ahead of money and time.
He can be an example to everyone without knowing it.
Young children imitate him, he has his own prestige and prestige in the workplace. He does not dry up by showing himself, but can be an example to all by his actions.
Manages the economy to increase capital.
He never asks for a loan, only earns it himself.
She takes care of herself, but not as a wife.
Tidy and serious, but not arrogant. On the contrary, he is sincere and open-minded. His confident and resolute appearance attracts people in a friendly way and is the basis of his calmness.

Mirmuhammad Ergashev, Gooper.uz special for

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