What should a baby's "little pharmacy" have?


What should be in the baby's "little pharmacy"?
These are:

✅Acetomenophen (liquid painkiller). For children, it is taken from a pharmacy along with paracetamol (to reduce fever). Main names: Tylenol, Panadol;
✅White simple adhesive plaster;
✅Alcoholic cotton swabs;
✅Antibiotic ointment;
✅Disinfectant liquid (available in pharmacies: Betadine, Hibiclens);
✅Sterile adhesive tape;
✅Cotton swabs;
✅Sterile bandage;
✅Hydrogen peroxide;
✅Ice packs (always in the refrigerator, ready to put on the injured area when the child is injured);
✅Ipekakuana syrup (a vomiting liquid used to rehydrate a child in case of accidental poisoning in consultation with a doctor);
✅Pipette, measuring spoon (for measuring when giving medicine);
✅Wet water for nasal cleansing (available in pharmacies - Sodium Chloride);
✅Small scissors with no sharp tip (for nails);
✅Small plasters;
✅ Tweezers;
✅Glycerin candles (used when gas accumulates in the abdomen and constipation);
✅Herbs for bathing children (for example, when there is a heat rash on the body, it is useful to bathe with ittikanak - chereda.)
✅Rehydron (used in diarrhea).

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