Grades 1-4 Math control work


Recommendations for conducting NI in MATHEMATICS
1th grade
III quarter
Subject: Add and multiply within 10
The goal: Checking students' knowledge, skills, competencies and competencies on the topic
Form of control: Math test
     The following competencies are defined.
  1. There were 9 apples on the plate. Lola ate 1 apple. How many apples are left on the plate?
  2. Write numbers from 1 to 10. (determine the competence to count, read, write and count numbers)
  3. Find the sum of the numbers 6 and 4.
  4. Find the difference between 10 and 3.
  5. Compare 8 to 5. (definition of logical thinking competence)
Subject: Strengthen two-digit numbers
The goal: Determining the knowledge, skills, competencies and competencies that students have acquired on the topic
Form of control: Test-test
     The following competencies are defined.
  1. 1. Which number was dropped? 11, 12,13,…, 15 (definition of logical thinking competence)
  2. A) 16 B) 12 D) 14
  3. 2. Find the adjacent number in front of the number 15.
  4. A) 13 B) 14 D) 16
  5. Specify the back neighbor number of the number 18.
  6. A) 19 B) 17 D) 15
  7. 4. Find the number between 14 and 16. (definition of logical thinking competence)
  8. A) 12 B) 17 D) 15
  9. Mark the line where the number order is written correctly.
  10. A) 11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20
  11. B) 11,12,13,14,16,15,17,18,19,20
  12. D) 11,12,13,14,15,16,18,17,19,20
  13. What is a shape whose four sides are equal to each other called? (determination of communicative competence)
  14. A) triangle B) square D) cross section
Subject: Numbers within 21-100
The goal: To check the knowledge, skills, abilities and competencies of students on the topic
Form of control: Written work
Option I
  1. Anwar had 10 pigeons. His friend Akbar has as many pigeons. How many pigeons are there in both? (determination of the competence of logical analysis)
  2. Solving examples:
       20 + 4 58 - 8 30 + 9
       40 + 2 30 + 6 39 - 9
  1. Compare: (determination of the competence of logical analysis)
        30?20                                  30?39                               50?48
                                                        Option II
  1. Solve the problem:
Karim had 10 canaries. Comrade Salim also has so many canaries. How many canaries do they have? (determine the competence to apply in mathematical practice)
  1. Solving examples:
 20 + 6 35 - 5 49 - 9
 26 - 6 30 + 8 30 + 1
  1. Compare: (determination of the competence of logical analysis)
         27? 40 29 27? 25? 35
Subject: Numbers within 21-100 (reinforcement)
The goal: Checking students' knowledge, skills, competencies and competencies on the topic
Form of control: Written work
      The following competencies are defined.
Option I
  1. Solve the problem:
      There were 49 passengers on the bus. 9 people fell at the station. How many passengers are left on the bus? (logical assay competency determination)
  1. Follow the examples:
70 + 8 60 + 4 56 - 6
77 - 7 20 + 9 40 + 3
  1. Fill in the blanks: (determine the competence to work on real and complex numbers)
       ? 47 = 40 +? 76 = 70 +
  1. Compare: (determine the competence to work on real and complex numbers)
        20 cm? 40 cm 70 dm? 10 dm
Option II
  1. Solve the problem:
      There were 70 buses in the car park. 40 of them went to work in the morning. How many buses are left in the car park?
  1. Follow the examples: (determine the competence to work on real and complex numbers)
60 + 8 70 + 5 50 + 7
68 - 8 40 + 9 52 - 2
  1. Fill in the blanks: ((determine the competence to work on real and complex numbers)
       ? 53 = 50 +? 82 = 80 +
  1. Compare: ((determine the competence to work on real and complex numbers)
        30 cm? 50 cm 60 dm? 20 dm
Subject: Add and multiply within 100
The goal: Determining the knowledge, skills, competencies and competencies that students have acquired on the topic
Form of control: Mathematical dictation
        The following competencies are defined.
  1. 59 kg of flour was brought for the school kitchen. 10 kg in the morning, the same amount of flour was used for lunch. How many kilograms of flour are left?
Write tens of numbers from 10 to 100. ((determine the competence to work on real and complex numbers)
Write the sum of 40 and 20. (determination of the competence of logical analysis)
  1. Write the difference of 50 and 20.
  1. Compare 20 meters to 40 meters. (determination of the competence of logical analysis)
  2. Draw a square with sides 2 cm.
Recommendations for conducting NI in MATHEMATICS
2th grade
III quarter
The goal: Determining the knowledge, skills, competencies and competencies that students have acquired on the topic
Form of control: Written work
      The following competencies are defined.
Option I
  1. Solve the problem: (determination of the competence of logical analysis)
There are 3 buttons per folder per pillow case. After buttoning 9 pillowcases, 23 more buttons were added. How many buttons were there in the beginning?
2. Solve examples: (determine the competence to work on real and complex numbers)
 2 · 7 + 16 3 · 6 + 12 15: 3 + 20 2 · 9 - 10
  1. Compare the example: (determine the competence to work on real and complex numbers)
      2 9 · 2? · 9 3 · 9 3 · 6? 3 · 8? 2 · 8 3 · 9? 2 · 6
Option II
  1. Solve the problem:
One package contains 2 kg of sugar. After adding 9 sachets of sugar, another 12 kg of sugar was added. How many kilograms of sugar did you have in the beginning?
2. Solve examples: (determine the competence to work on real and complex numbers)
 2 · 7 + 18 3 · 7 + 19 18: 3 + 14 2 · 8 - 10
  1. Compare the example: (determine the competence to work on real and complex numbers)
      2 7 · 2? · 7 3 · 5 2 · 5? 8 · 3? 3 · 8 3 · 9? 2 · 9
The goal: Determining the knowledge, skills, competencies and competencies that students have acquired on the topic
Form of control: Written work
      The following competencies are defined.
Option I
  1. Solve the problem:
      There were 58 kg of fruit. 30 kg of fruit was used for making jam and 18 kg for making compote. How many kilograms of fruit are left over? (formation of competence to apply mathematical knowledge in practice)
  1. Solve examples: (determine the competence to work on real and complex numbers)
       21: 7 · 9 8 · 9 - 40 (63 - 54) · 5
       8 · 9 + 5 · 3 7 · 7 + 6 · 4 9 · 4 - 2 · 9
  1. Solve the equations: (determination of the competence of logical analysis)
      58 - x = 20 81: x = 9 x · 7 = 49
  1. Compare: (determine the competence to work on real and complex numbers)
      8 5 · 3? · 7 40: 5 40: 5? 9 · 8? 9 · 4
Option II
  1. Solve the problem:
The store had 63 TVs. 30 TV sets were sold before noon and 23 in the afternoon. How many TVs are left in the store? (determination of the competence of logical analysis)
  1. Solve examples: (determine the competence to work on real and complex numbers)
       54: 6 · 5 9 · 7 - 50 (84 - 76) · 8
       2 · 9 + 3 · 8 6 · 9 - 5 · 8 5 · 5 + 8 · 3
  1. Solve the equations: (determination of the competence of logical analysis)
       69 - x = 30 64: x = 8 x · 6 = 36
  1. Compare: (determination of the competence of logical analysis)
      9 7 · 5? · 8 45: 9 35: 7? 8 · 7? 9 · 9
The goal: Determining the knowledge, skills, competencies and competencies that students have acquired on the topic
Form of control: Test-test
    The following competencies are defined.
  1. 32 computers were brought to the school and it was given to 4 classes. How many computers are given to each class? (formation of competence to apply mathematical knowledge in practice)
  2. A) 8 ta B) 7 ta D) 6 ta
  1. There was 81 liters of gasoline in the tank. 9 tanks were filled with gasoline. How many liters of gasoline are in each container? (determination of the competence of logical analysis)
  2. A) 8 l B) 9 l                                    D) 7 l
  1. 3 pumpkins of 9 kg each were purchased. What is the mass of all the pumpkins? (formation of practical competence)
  2. A) 27 kg B) 24 kg D) 21 kg
  1. Find the value of the expression: (98 - 90) · 8
  2. A) 63 B) 64 D) 65
  1. Find the value of the expression: (30 + 26): 7
  2. A) 9 B) 8 D) 7
  1. Find the unknown additive: 42 + x = 79 (determination of the competence of logical analysis) A) 27 B) 37 D) 38
  1. Find the unknown denominator: x - 15 = 25 (determination of the competence of logical analysis)
  2. A) 40 B) 50 D) 30
  1. Find the unknown multiplier: 4 · x = 36 (determination of the competence of logical analysis) A) 7 B) 8 D) 9
  1. Find the unknown divisor: 81: x = 9
  2. A) 7 B) 8 D) 9
  1. Mark an example where the answer is 72. (formation of the competence to perform operations on real and complex numbers, as well as the competence of logical analysis)
  2. A) 8 · 8 B) 8 · 9 D) 8 · 7
  1. Mark the example that is solved correctly. (determination of the competence of logical analysis)
  2. A) 63: 9 = 7 B) 63: 7 = 8 D) 36: 9 = 7
  1. Find the perimeter of a square with side 4 cm.
  2. A) 12 cm B) 16 cm D) 14 cm
The goal: Determining the knowledge, skills, competencies and competencies that students have acquired on the topic
Form of control: Written work
     The following competencies are defined.
Option I
  1. Follow the expressions. (formation of logical analysis competence)           
    35: (28 - 21) 30: 5 + 24 (45 + 12) · 2
  1. Solve the equation. (determination of the competence of logical analysis)
    40: 8 = x x · 6 = 42 63: x =  9
  1. Draw a circle with a radius of 2 cm by 4 mm and mark the center of the circle with a letter. (formation of logical analysis competence)
Option II
  1. Follow the expressions. (formation of competence to perform operations on real and complex numbers)
           56: (17 - 10) 50: 5 + 35 (52 + 22): 8
  1. Solve the equation. (formation of logical analysis competence)
    40: x = 10 8 · x = 56 x: 5 = 10
  1. Draw a circle with a radius of 3 cm by 2 mm and mark the center of the circle with a letter. (formation of logical analysis competence)
13- NI
The goal: Determining the knowledge, skills, competencies and competencies that students have acquired on the topic
Form of control: Written work
       The following competencies are defined.
Option I
  1. Solve the problem.
   Daniel tied the balls into 2 pieces. How many balls are there in 7 such bundles? (formation of competence to apply logical analysis and mathematical knowledge in practice)           
2. Solve the examples. (formation of the competence to perform operations on real and complex numbers, as well as the competence of logical analysis)
2 · 8 + 34 55: 5 - 6 9 + 6 · 3
  1. Draw two cross-sections: AB = 6 cm 2 mm, and let the CD cross-section be 2 cm shorter.
4. Compare. (formation of logical analysis competence)           
  3 + 3 2 · 3? 3 + 3 + 3? 2 · 3 2 + 2 + 2 + 2? 3 · 4
Option II
  1. Solve the problem.
   There were 9 lemons in one distributor. Dildora took 3 of them. How many lemons are left on the plate? (formation of competence to apply logical analysis and mathematical knowledge in practice)
  1. Solve the examples. (formation of competence to perform operations on real and complex numbers)
2 · 8 + 34 55: 5 - 6 9 + 6 · 3
  1. Draw two sections: AB = 4 cm 7 mm, and the CD section 5 mm shorter.
  1. Compare. (formation of the competence to perform operations on real and complex numbers, as well as the competence of logical analysis)
  3 + 5 4 · 3? 3 + 4? 3 · 3 2 + 3 + 2 3 · 4?
Recommendations for conducting NI in MATHEMATICS
3th grade
III quarter
The goal: Determining the knowledge, skills, competencies and competencies that students have acquired on the topic
Form of control: Written work
The following competencies are defined.
Option I
  1. Add in column form: (formation of the competence to perform operations on real and complex numbers, as well as the competence of logical analysis)
235 + 342 347 + 236 483 + 364 367 + 574
  1. Divide into columns:
      365 - 234 848 - 436
  1. 1) Express in minutes: 1 hour 50 minutes, 2 hours 45 minutes;
2) Express in hours and minutes: 75 min, 115 min, 220 min;
3) Express in hours: 1 hours in 4 day, 3 hours in 18 days. (formation of competence to apply logical analysis and mathematical knowledge in practice)
  1. Draw a rectangle 8 squares long and 11 squares wide and find its face. In this case, the four cells are 1 sq. M. Take cm. (formation of logical analysis competence)
  1. The milker milked 18 liters of milk per day from one cow. One-third of the milk was poured into cans and the rest into 3-liter jars. How many jars of milk are there? (formation of competence to apply logical analysis and mathematical knowledge in practice)
Option II
  1. Add in column form: (formation of the competence to perform operations on real and complex numbers, as well as the competence of logical analysis)
143 + 236 258 + 327 374 + 453 478 + 365
  1. Divide into columns: (formation of the competence to perform operations on real and complex numbers, as well as the competence of logical analysis)
276 - 145 564 - 348 627 - 463 825 - 589
  1. 1) Express in minutes: 1 hour 35 minutes, 2 hours 30 minutes;
2) Express in hours and minutes: 85 min, 135 min, 210 min;
3) Express in hours: 1 hours in 11 day, 2 hours in 15 days. (formation of competence to think logically and apply in practice)
  1. Draw a rectangle 6 squares long and 10 squares wide and find its face. In this case, take the four cells as 1 sq. Cm. (formation of logical analysis competence)
  1. Pupils planted 12 rows of birch trees from 4 bushes in each row and 20 rows of poplar seedlings from 3 bushes in each row. How many more poplar seedlings did the students plant from the birch? (formation of competence for logical analysis and application in practice)
The goal: Determining the knowledge, skills, competencies and competencies that students have acquired on the topic
Form of control: Written work
      The following competencies are defined.
Option I
  1. Divide into columns: (formation of the competence to perform operations on real and complex numbers, as well as the competence of logical analysis)
473 - 247 536 - 375 734 - 476 403 - 275
  1. Solve the equations and check the answers (formation of logical analysis competence)
       x + 265 = 424                       x - 278 = 522 - 47
347+ x = 702 652 - x = 367 - 78
  1. Draw a rectangle with 6 squares and 10 squares on the sides. Find its perimeter and face. (formation of practical competence)
  1. In the school workshop, 3 desks were repaired every day for 10 days. There are 48 more desks left to repair. How many desks did the school workshop have to repair?
Option II
  1. Divide into columns: (formation of competence to perform operations on real and complex numbers)
       683 - 356 748 - 265 824 - 358 607 - 389
  1. Solve the equations and check the answers: (formation of the competence to perform operations on real and complex numbers, as well as the competence of logical analysis)
x + 327 = 538                        x - 367 = 434 - 75
236+ x = 404 864 - x = 234 - 96
  1. Draw a rectangle with 4 squares and 12 squares on the sides. Find its perimeter and face.
  1. The milker milked 90 liters of milk. He gave 10 liters of milk to the calves and poured the rest into 8 identical cans. How many liters of milk are poured into each can? (formation of competence for logical analysis and application in practice)
The goal: Determining the knowledge, skills, competencies and competencies that students have acquired on the topic
Form of control: Written work
The following competencies are defined.
Option I
  1. Do the multiplications: (formation of competence to perform operations on real and complex numbers)
   424 · 1 42 · 10 20 · 8 240 · 4
   526 · 0 7 · 100 300 · 3 5 · 170
  1. Follow the divisions: (formation of competence to perform operations on real and complex numbers)
    121: 1 570: 10 600: 3
    0: 387 900: 100 420: 6
  1. Replace empty cells with>, <or = characters: (formation of logical analysis competence)
        1 · 256 □ 0 · 999 120: 10 □ 200: 100
        56 · 10 □ 6 · 100 360: 4 □ 540: 6
  1. Draw a circle and a circle with a radius of 1 cm 8 mm. Draw and measure their diameters. (formation of logical analysis competence)
  1. Flour was brought to the store in 3 bags. 60 kg of flour in each bag. The flour was packed in 3 kg bags. How many bags of all the flour? (formation of competence for logical analysis and application in practice)
Option II
  1. Do the multiplications: (formation of competence to perform operations on real and complex numbers)
   287 · 1 38 · 10 30 · 7 320 · 3
   348 · 0 3 · 100 400 · 2 6 · 140
  1. Follow the divisions:
    324: 1 470: 10 900: 3
    0: 519 600: 100 640: 8
  1. Replace empty cells with>, <or = characters: (formation of logical analysis competence)
        1 · 354 □ 0 · 888 700: 100 □ 240: 10
        43 · 10 □ 4 · 100 270: 3 □ 450: 5
  1. Draw a circle and a circle with a radius of 2 cm 6 mm. Draw and measure their diameters. (formation of logical thinking competence)
  1. 6 bags of rice were brought to the store. 50 kg of rice in each bag. The rice was packed in 2 kg bags. How many bags of all the rice? (formation of competence for logical analysis and application in practice)
The goal: Determining the knowledge, skills, competencies and competencies that students have acquired on the topic
Form of control: Written work
   The following competencies are defined.
     Option I
  1. Follow the divisions: (formation of competence to perform operations on real and complex numbers)
     600: 30 800: 200 270: 30
  1. Express in seconds: 1 min 15 s, 2 min, 2 min 20 s, 3 min 35 s, 5 min 45 s. (formation of competence to perform operations on real and complex numbers)
  1. During the day, the normal clock shows that the small shaft is slightly longer than 3, and the large shaft is 4. How does the digital clock show this time?
  1. Follow these steps: (formation of competence to perform operations on real and complex numbers)
     540: 60 + 800: 400 900: 30 - 630: 90
  1. Draw a 12 cm long section and name it the entire section. Draw incisions that are 2 times, 3 times, and 4 times shorter than the entire cut. What are the resulting cuts called relative to the whole cut?
  1. The sewing company sewed 750 shirts a day, of which 25 times less suits and 50 times more socks than suits. How many socks are sewn per day in a sewing company? (formation of competence to apply logical analysis and mathematical knowledge in practice)
Option II
  1. Follow the divisions: (formation of impetence to perform operations on real and complex numbers)
     400: 20 600: 300 320: 40
  1. Express in seconds: 1 min 45 s, 2 min 35 s, 3 min, 3 min 15 s, 6 min 35 s.
  1. During the day, the small shaft of a normal watch is close to 2, while the large shaft is 9. How does the digital clock show this time? (formation of competence for logical analysis and application in practice)
  1. Follow these steps: (formation of competence to perform operations on real and complex numbers)
     480: 40 + 600: 200 800: 80 - 560: 70
  1. Draw an 8 cm long incision and name it the entire incision. Draw incisions that are 2 times and 4 times shorter than the entire incision. What are the resulting cuts called relative to the whole cut?
  1. The store sold 250 kg of flour a day, 5 times less rice, 10 times more meat than rice. How many kilograms of meat are sold in a day in the store? (formation of competence for logical analysis and application in practice)
The goal: Determining the knowledge, skills, competencies and competencies that students have acquired on the topic
Form of control: Written work
     The following competencies are defined.
    Option I
  1. Multiply by the column: (formation of competence to perform operations on real and complex numbers)
         43 · 2 24 · 6 221 · 4 342 · 3 167 · 5
  1. Using the substitution property of multiplication, follow these steps: (formation of competence to perform operations on real and complex numbers)
       7 · 127 - 238 2 · 324 + 3 · 123
  1. Replace empty cells with>, <or = characters: (formation of logical analysis competence)
        3 · 243 □ 243 · 3 56 · 8 □ 2 · 223 6 · 158 □ 324 · 3
  1. Draw a right rectangle with sides 4 cm 6 mm and 3 cm 7 mm. Find its perimeter.
  1. Salim bought 2 notebooks and 3 pens. If a notebook costs 250 soums and a pen costs 150 soums, how many soums did Salim spend in total?
Option II
  1. Multiply by the column: (formation of competence to perform operations on real and complex numbers)
        33 · 3 18 · 8 432 · 2 228 · 4 149 · 6
  1. Using the substitution property of multiplication, follow these steps:
        3 · 234 + 247 4 · 228 - 2 · 359
  1. Replace empty cells with>, <or = characters: (formation of logical analysis competence)
        7 · 132 □ 132 · 7 157 · 6 □ 3 · 329 4 · 228 □ 424 · 2
  1. Draw a right rectangle with sides 5 cm 3 mm and 4 cm 5 mm. Find its perimeter. (formation of logical analysis competence)
There are 18 boys and 17 girls in the class. 5 notebooks were distributed to boys and 6 to girls. How many notebooks were distributed to the students in the class? (formation of competence for logical analysis and application in practice)
Recommendations for conducting NI in MATHEMATICS
4th grade
III quarter
Subject: Consolidation of the past
The goal: Checking students' knowledge, skills, competencies and competencies on the topics covered
Form of control: Mathematical dictation
    The following competencies are defined.
  1. Describe in decimals: 2 decimals 5 decimals; 1 thousand; 20 thousand 5 hundred.
      Name a pair of multiple multipliers whose product is 60. Say the same multipliers that give 60 in the product 36.
  1. The sleep of a right rectangle is 8 What can be the perimeter of this right rectangle? (formation of logical analysis competence)
  1. They paid 5 soums for 400 m of fabric. How much does it cost to buy 20 m of another fabric, which costs 3 rubles per meter? (formation of logical analysis competence)
  2. Maruf spends his time washing 4 plates and 6 bowls. Which one does he wash faster - 1 plate or 1 bowl? (logical analysis and formation of practical competence)
Subject: Consolidation of the past
The goal: Checking students' knowledge, skills, competencies and competencies on the topics covered
Form of control: Oral test
      The following competencies are defined.
  1. When is the sum of two joins equal to one of them? (Definition of communicative competencies)
  2. One addition equals 100. How big is the sum from the second additive?
  3. In which case is the product equal to one of the multipliers?
  4. One of the multipliers is 30. How many times is the product multiplied by the second multiplier? (logical analysis to determine competencies)
  5. The excavator loads 8 tons of coal per wagon in 640 hours. How much coal does the excavator add to the wagon in 3 hours?
The perimeter of a right rectangle is 12 cm. How can the face of this right rectangle be like this? (consider different cases of the solution). (formation of the competence to perform operations on real and complex numbers, as well as the competence of logical analysis)
Subject: Consolidation of the past
The goal: Determining students' knowledge, skills, competencies and competencies to solve multiplication and division problems
Form of control: Written work
     The following competencies are defined.
Option I
  1. Solve the problem.
  2. In the fall, students planted 23 rows of seedlings in the new park, with 20 seedlings in each row. One third of them are slate and the rest are spruce seedlings. How many spruce seedlings did the students plant? (logical analysis and identification of competencies to apply in practice)
  1. 3. Perform the multiplication: 396 · 30; 560 · 900; (formation of competence to perform operations on real and complex numbers
  2. 4. Compare the expressions: 12 · 5 · 10; 12 · 50
  3. Draw a rectangle with sides 6 cm and 5 cm. Find his face. (formation of the competence to perform operations on real and complex numbers, as well as the competence of logical analysis)
Option II
  1. Solve the problem.
  2. 65 bags of flour weighing 50 kg were brought to the store. One-fifth of it was sold in one day. How many kilograms of flour are left on sale? (logical analysis and identification of competencies to apply in practice)
  3. 3. Perform the multiplication: 389 · 30; 720 · 800;
  4. 4. Compare expressions: (formation of the competence to perform operations on real and complex numbers, as well as the competence of logical analysis)
                 15 · 4 · 10; 15 · 40
  1. Draw a rectangle with sides 4 cm and 8 cm. Find his face.
Subject: Multiply and divide multi-digit numbers
The goal: Written multiplication and division of multi-digit numbers ending in zero to determine skills, competencies and competencies
Form of control: Control work
      The following competencies are defined.
Option I
  1. Create and solve a short written problem.
The same
                 9 l
120 soums
90 soums
  1. Follow the steps: (formation of competence to perform operations on real and complex numbers)
5 100: 30 87 200: 50 738 000: 3 000
860 · 3 000 4 820 · 90 2 360 · 90
Option II
  1. Create and solve a short written problem. (determination of competencies to apply mathematical knowledge in practice)
The mass of the box
Number of boxes
The mass of all the boxes
The same
                 25 boxes  
225 kg
450 kg
  1. Follow these steps: (formation of competence to perform operations on real and complex numbers)
       2 880: 40 81 720: 50 305 000: 5 000
270 · 2 000 3 270 · 80 1 540 · 500
Subject: Multiplication by multi-digit two-digit and three-digit numbers
The goal: Solve problems on finding numbers by two divisions, solve examples of multiplication of multi-digit numbers by two- and three-digit numbers. Test your knowledge, skills, abilities and competencies.
Form of control: Written work
    The following competencies are defined.
Option I
  1. Issue:
One ball has 4 m and the other ball has 6 m of the same fabric. The cost of the fabric in the first ball is 18 soums cheaper than the cost of the fabric in the second ball. Find the value of each ball. (logical analysis and identification of competencies to apply in practice)
  1. 2. Execution: (formation of competence to perform operations on real and complex numbers)
                 829 · 908 3 200 + 706 · 38 - 9 456
Option II
  1. Issue:
The store sold 14 boxes of grapes before noon and 18 boxes of grapes in the afternoon. If 48 kg more grapes were sold in the store than in the afternoon, how many kilograms of grapes were sold before noon and in the afternoon?
  1. Execution: (formation of competence to perform operations on real and complex numbers)
             536 · 908 100 400 - 209 · 82 + 478
14- NI
Subject: Strengthen themes
The goal: Checking students' knowledge, skills, competencies and competencies on the topics covered
Form of control: Written work
     The following competencies are defined.
Option I
  1. 8 identical chairs cost 1 soums. How much will 920 of those chairs cost?
  2. The book "Fairy Tales" consists of 70 pages. The reader read 7 pages of the book every day for 8 days. How many more pages of the book should the reader read?
  3. Calculate the value of the expression: (formation of competence to perform operations on real and complex numbers)
             320 · 75: 800 + 6 854
Option II
  1. The price of 17 identical towels is 2 soums. How much are 125 towels?
  2. 72 kg of rice was brought to the kitchen. Used at 6 kg daily for 9 days. How much rice is left in the kitchen? (logical analysis and determination of competencies to apply mathematical knowledge in practice)
  3. Calculate the value of the expression: (formation of competence to perform operations on real and complex numbers)
                860 · 34: 40 - 627

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