From May 1, how much will be paid for class management and notebook checking?


From May 1, how much will be paid for class management and notebook checking?

In relation to the minimum wage (980 soums), school teachers are paid an additional fee in the following amounts:

For class management according to the number of students in the class:

👉 up to 15 students - 26,4 percent (258 soums);
👉 from 16 to 20 students - 31,6 percent (309 soums);
👉 from 21 to 25 students - 36,9 percent (361 soums);
👉 from 26 to 30 students - 42,1 percent (412 soums);
👉 When there are 31 or more students - 52,8 percent (517 soums);

For checking notebooks and written work (including subjects taught in two groups) when the number of students in the class is up to 15 - 8,8 percent (86 soums), 627 and if it is more than that - 15 percent (17,6 soums).

17,6 percent (173 soums) for the head of the IT office.

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