What is an iron notebook? Information about the iron notebook


What is an "iron notebook"?

👉 "Iron Book" - a transparent list of unemployed, needy families in quarantine, formed in the neighborhood;

👉 “Temir Daftar”, in turn, strengthens the cooperation of the chairman of citizens' assemblies with the head of the sector and the region;

👉 7 categories of families in need of "Iron Book", including:

➖ poor;

➖ had a disability;

➖ families in need of social protection;

➖ lonely elderly;

➖ permanently unemployed citizens;

➖ citizens unemployed due to quarantine;

➖ Measures will be taken to lift almost all citizens from difficult epidemiological areas out of poverty.

👉 Officials provide information in the "Iron Book" about their daily work. sahavat.argos.uz enters the site electronically using a digital signature key;

👉 At least one member of the Iron Book family will be employed this year, and measures will be taken to alleviate their poverty.