September 7 is Brazil's Independence Day


September 7 is Brazil's Independence Day

🔸On September 1822, 7, Brazil was declared an independent empire and freed from Portuguese colonial rule.

The Federal Republic of Brazil is the fifth largest country in the world in terms of population and area. The area is 8,512 million km². Population 211,531,000 (2020). The national language is Portuguese. The capital is the city of Brazil. Administratively, it is divided into 26 states and a federal (capital) district.

🔸Most of the population of Brazil (more than 95%) are Brazilians. The population of the city is 75,5%. Religious people are mainly Catholics.

Brazil is a federal republic. The head of state is the president. The legislative power is the National Congress (Parliament). Parliament consists of two chambers: the Chamber of Deputies and the Federal Senate. Executive power is exercised by the president and the government formed by him.

🔸Established diplomatic relations with the Republic of Uzbekistan on April 1993, 30.

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