What disease is polio?


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The World Health Organization (WHO) has issued a statement declaring an outbreak of acute polio in Tajikistan and a state of emergency. As of March 18, there were 2 children infected with polyvirus (sPVVP4), a disease that paralyzes the nervous system.

- So, what kind of disease is polio?

- Poliomyelitis is an acute infectious disease that mainly paralyzes the gray matter of the spinal cord. As a result, the patient may become disabled for the rest of his life, and even death may be observed. The disease is transmitted through running water, food, contaminated hands.

It is also transmitted when the patient is in contact with a person, i.e. through the airways (sneezing, coughing). In addition, contaminated vegetables, fruits, unboiled water and milk can be contaminated when consumed.

Polyvirus is one of the intestinal infections that cause polio. More children will be affected. But it also infects adults.

- What is the latent period and the first signs of the disease?

- The latent period of poliomyelitis can last from the day of infection to 21 days. Then the patient's temperature rises to 38-39 °, there is pain in the muscles and diarrhea.

These symptoms go away after 4-5 days, and after a week the temperature rises again and paralysis of various muscles, especially the legs and arms, can develop. can also cause limitation.

- What to do to avoid getting polio?

- First of all, follow a healthy lifestyle. Timely vaccination against the disease is the best prevention.

Also, drink boiling water. Pay special attention to the cleanliness of hands and food.

✍️ @doctor_Muminov

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