What is Copywriting?


What is Copywriting?

• Copywriting is a profession that teaches working with texts. Currently, the demand for these professionals is high and, accordingly, the number of professionals (professionals) is very low.

• Copywriters are scarce, meaning the copywriting market is still empty. Where can I learn copywriting?

📍Udemy (https://www.udemy.com/) is a great site with the best textbooks in all fields. Also about copywriting (https://www.copywritingkeys.com/tips-to-perfect-your-copywriting-no-matter-the-niche/) here you can buy the best courses for free and stronger courses at will .

- Unfortunately, this site is in English and you need to know English at an intermediate level to take a course.

• What does a copywriter do?
- Copywriters work with telegrams, instagram and all sorts of texts written on advertising on all social networks, on telegram channels, on the "banner" advertising banners on the streets.

Ps Nech will tell you later how to make money :)

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