What is the percentage of card-to-card money transfers?


What is the percentage of card-to-card money transfers?

Transferring money from card to card will save 1% of most applications.

Below we analyze the cheapest money transfer programs (https://depozit.uz/payments).

From Uzcard to Uzcard (or from UzCard to Humo):
- Tenge24: 0% (until 31.07.2022);
- Davr Mobile:
• 0% up to 3,5 million soums per month;
• 0,35% more than 3,5 million soums.
- alif mobi:
• 0% up to 3 million soums per month;
• 0,5% more than 3 million soums.
- On the spot, through the National, Agrobank Mobile and other "mobile banking" programs: 0,5%.

From Humo to Humo:
- National, MKB Mobile, Xalq Mobile, Quant, Hamkor Mobile, Silk Road Mobile: 0,5%;
- From the Orange and Zoomrad apps: 0,5% extra points and Cache backs are also available.

You can easily find the above mobile apps in the App Store and Google Play.

P / S: Which bank to become a customer is a personal opinion of each user.

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