What to do if the baby cries a lot?


What to do if the baby cries a lot?
✅Why is the child constantly screaming and crying?
You will be required to:
1. Does the child have a condition that requires a doctor's help? need to determine:
You should panic if:
If the child is constantly vomiting;
If the child's body is pale;
If these two symptoms are not observed, the child looks fine, does not look sick, then there is no need to call a doctor.
Determine: is there no pain in the child's body?
Undress the child and pay attention to the following:
Has the child's arm or leg movement changed?
Do you have swelling or redness on your body that you have not seen before?
If you notice anything unusual, contact your doctor. Most often, the above changes are observed when the child falls.
Is there swelling in the area where the child's thigh bends (bottom of the abdomen)?
This is a sign of intestinal obstruction or bowel obstruction and requires medical attention.
Hold the baby's belly. Wasn't it hard work? Or doesn't the child scream worse when you touch it?
The reason for this condition is the disruption of the intestinal tract. But often this condition is accompanied by vomiting, paleness of the child's body and general weakness. It is necessary to see when the baby's stomach is still, not exactly when it is crying. Because a crying child is upset.
Is there no severe redness in the places where the diapers are stuck?
It can be very painful.
Does the child have dark yellow liquid coming out of his nose?
It could be an ear infection.
Is the child not excited that he will do something big, or according to your observations, he has not had diarrhea for 2 days?
In that case, soften the child's belly using glycerine suppositories and slowly rub his stomach clockwise with a warm hand.
Is the baby drooling a lot because his gums are hot?
This indicates that the tooth is coming out.
Take a good look at the child's body, usually even the hair around the finger can cause discomfort to the child.
If you do not find any of the above in your child, then look at the following:
Have you recently started giving the child a new product? If you are breastfeeding, have you ever tried something new, something you have never tried before? Or if you are giving sms, did you not change the sms type?
Maybe your child is suffering from a psychological point of view. If you have not seen physical or allergic reasons in the child, then try to calm the child with affection.
Take the child in your arms and walk around on the street;
Breastfeed and carry;
Use baby massage, especially belly massage is helpful.
If the above actions do not help, and your child is still crying, then consult a doctor.

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