About fruits and vegetables


About fruits and vegetables
Alma: My name is Almadir
My smell is pleasant
Anor: I am as red as a tulip
Fruits are delicious
Nok: They've been seeing each other for a long time
I am sweeter than honey
Grapes: Like a bunch of pearls
Dependence on work
Watermelon: A sweet treat like me
Not found in the world
Melon: Gives strength to the body
My tongue cracks
Turnips call me grandfather
They urinate in medicine
Tomatoes: Foods with me
Comes in a beautiful color
Pilov next to the net
There is enough room for me
Eggplant: Kaminani names
Mullah bagla, eggplant
When chefs make salad
You will never be full
Zucchini: They call me Zucchini, Caddy
A cure for a thousand ailments

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